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A team of enthusiastic Northern Gas Networks’ employees rolled up their sleeves to volunteer at the Jane Tomlinson’s Run For All York 10k run on Sunday, 4th August.

The charitable bunch gave up their spare time to hand out goodie bags and bottles of water to thousands of runners, and help the photographer coordinate group shots at the finish line. They also carried out marshalling duties, and helped to clear up at the end of the day.

Haley Mitchell, Customer Experience Area Leader said “Northern Gas Networks is carrying out a £750,000 infrastructure upgrade in York city centre over the coming nine months, so we have been spending time in the city centre speaking to business owners, residents and other key stakeholders about our planned work.

“We were very keen to show our support for the fifth York 10k run. Not only is it a fantastic event bringing people from across the country to York, it also helps raise funds for the Jane Tomlinson Appeal – a very worthy cause.”

Haley added: “It was a long day but extremely rewarding, and luckily the rain held off until the end!”

The Northern Gas Networks’ customer cabin, is now located at the junction of Coppergate, High Ousegate and Pavement in York city centre. Members of the public are invited to drop in to get the latest information about our York city centre infrastructure upgrade, and representatives from Northern Gas Networks will be on hand to answer any questions.

The cabin will be open Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11.00am to 1.00pm and on Tuesday evenings from 5.00pm to 7.00pm.


Photograph (from left to right): Andy Irwin, Regional Manager; Haley Mitchell, Customer Experience Area Leader; Susan Wareham, Human Resources Director; Garry Farnhill, Customer Operations Area Manager; Mick Woodhead, Technician and Mark Coe, Network Officer.

Further information is available about the York city centre infrastructure upgrade.