The North of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN) is investing around £100,000 to upgrade ageing metal gas mains in Huddersfield.
The major project to replace around 800 metres of pipe will take place in three phases, the first due to begin on Elm Street on Monday 28 March for two weeks. Work will be carried out between 8am and 5pm before moving to Damside Road.
In order to carry out this essential work safely and efficiently, it will be necessary to implement a road closure and three-way traffic lights on the four-way junction during the Damside Road phase.
An additional section of works on Damside Road begins on Monday 11 April, before engineers move on to Manor Street and Manor Rise on Monday April 25 to complete the final phase of the project.
The scheme is expected to be complete by Monday 30 May.
The essential works are part of NGNs’ ongoing replacement of infrastructure in the region and will involve replacing the 70-year-old existing metallic gas main with more durable plastic pipes to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come.
The scheme has been planned to begin during the Easter school holidays to ensure disruption to motorists is minimal, while access will be maintained for pedestrians.
Paul Jagger, Construction Services Area Manager for Northern Gas Networks said: “We have worked closely with Kirklees Council to plan these works so that they take place during the quieter school holiday period to minimise disruption to motorists and local residents.
“We would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience this essential work may cause and thank members of the public for their understanding.”
For further information about the project please contact NGN’s Customer Care team on 0800 040 7766, option 7 or email
Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.