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The north of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), welcomed a class of local primary school visitors to its Hendon depot on Tuesday, 14 June.

Dated: 14/06/2016 Year 6 students from Hudson Road Primary School, Hendon visiting Northern Gas Networks Gas Holder site in Sunderland. #NorthNewsAndPictures/2daymedia

Year 6 students from Hudson Road Primary School learn about the NGN Hendon depot from Customer Operations Area Manager John Richardson

Thirty Year 6 pupils from Hudson Road Primary School spent the afternoon learning about exactly what NGN does and how it does it, as part of their Career Inspiration studies.


Customer Operations Area Manager John Richardson welcomed the children and three teachers to Commercial Road, before a series of talks and activities designed to bring the gas distribution business to life were delivered.


Donning hi-vis vests and safety hats, pupils learned about the repair side of NGN, observing trace cables and how leaks are repaired on the pipe network.


A maths session on percentages came next, where the children were given plans for a gas mains replacement project and asked to work out costings.


A step back into history saw the youngsters tour the gas holders at Hendon, learning how the iconic structures were used to store gas in years gone by to cope with demand at peak times. A safety session on the dangers of Carbon Monoxide and gas escapes followed, with the pupils learning the 0800 111 999 number in case they ever smell gas.


Exploring their artistic sides, NGN’s local community artist Mick Hand delivered an art workshop where pupils were encouraged to create a large mural to hang at their school, before they explored the emergency side of NGN’s business, learning how to detect gas leaks using hand held devices known as Gascoseekers.

Teacher Hannah Jeynes said: “The children loved having hands-on experience and meeting people with a range of educational and working backgrounds. It’s given them food for thought to think about what they would like to do in the future, and how their learning in school has a contribution to this.”

John Richardson concluded: “It was great to see the children show such willingness to learn more about what we do at NGN.
“They showed a lot of enthusiasm for the different parts of the business and hopefully they’ve taken away some interesting facts about what a career in utilities might involve.”


Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.