If you smell gas or are worried about gas safety, call 0800 111 999 at any time of the day or night. Read more

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Stakeholder engagement continues to be an essential part of what Northern Gas Networks (NGN) does. The gas distribution network’s stakeholders continue help to guide strategic decision making, and work with NGN day-to-day on a wide range of partnership programmes, which are making a difference in local communities.

From this January, to help shape its business plan for 2021 NGN is asking customers to have their say as part of its ‘together, we are the network’ campaign.

NGN’s next business plan will set out how the company will invest bill payer’s money from 2021 onwards to ensure that the needs of its 6.7 million customers and future customers, including the most vulnerable, are truly reflected in the services they receive.

The gas distribution network has also launched a new consultation and engagement microsite together.northerngasnetworks.co.uk and will be organising a range of activities over the coming months to make it easy for people to get involved and ensure that customers and stakeholders get the chance to shape the content of this plan.

NGN is marking the launch of the campaign with its BIG survey, a short online questionnaire on its services, and giving people the chance to win prizes for taking part*.

The BIG survey will help the business to listen to and understand views on the services that it provides as it strives to continue to deliver outstanding customer experiences, innovate to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas now and for years to come and make a positive difference to the communities it serves.

Mark Horsley, Chief Executive Officer at Northern Gas Networks, said: “Our business plan must start with what customers think and want from us.  Our stakeholder engagement over the past six years has given us some valuable insights about the communities that we serve which will shape our thinking.  Over the coming months we’ll be building on that learning and encouraging as many customers and stakeholders as possible to talk to us and share their views as we build a picture about what’s important to them.

“These insights will ensure that we continue to deliver the level of service that you expect, and that we focus on the areas that you believe will add the most value for you in future. This is your opportunity to help shape the future of your gas network and we welcome your views.”

NGN delivers a safe supply of gas to 6.7 million customers throughout much of Yorkshire, the North East and northern Cumbria, an area spanning 25,000 sq km.  Throughout the last six years, NGN has been listening to stakeholders, learning from their feedback, and acting on their recommendations to ensure that they are delivering the level of service that people expect.

You can have your say in the future of your gas network, get involved in activities from online surveys to workshops and roadshows and win great prizes, by visiting together.northerngasnetworks.co.uk

For more information contact the NGN Stakeholder team at stakeholder@northerngas.co.uk

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

*NGN is offering lucky winners selected at random one prize of £500 Amazon vouchers and five £100 vouchers every three months. Full terms and conditions are available at together.northerngasnetworks.co.uk