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Northern Gas Networks (NGN), the North of England’s gas distributor, has won the country’s Most Considerate Site Award (project value under £500k) at the annual Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) National Site Awards.

The gas distributor scooped the award, at an awards ceremony in London, for its handling of the demolition of a gas holder on Minton Lane, North Shields believed to have been built in 1906.

The judges awarded NGN the award for the care and dedication it showed towards the local community acknowledging the gas holder’s unique historic significance.

Keen to preserve its past before demolition, NGN colleagues held regular meetings with local people and contacted relatives employed at the gas works during World War II. This led to a play being written which chronicled the history of the gas holder. A mural was also created by local school children, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.

The CSS’s site visitor was full of praise for NGN’s approach noting ‘the site presents an impressive image of the industry and an outstanding example of how a construction site should appear’.

The awards bring together the very best of the UK construction industry and reward the extraordinary commitment that registered sites have made to improve its image.

Mark Johnson, Project Manager for Northern Gas Networks, said: “We’re honoured to have won the 2018 Most Considerate Site Award (project value under £500k) for the Minton Road gas holder demolition project in North Shields.

“Competition for these awards is tough and they are not easy to win. So this truly reflects the great work of NGN colleagues to not only make sure we are going above and beyond in terms of construction, but also putting the local community at the heart of our thinking.

“We pride ourselves on being a community focused organisation and it was also such an honour to create something to commemorate this historic gas holder which has been such a well-recognised part of the local skyline.”

Edward Hardy, Considerate Constructor Scheme Chief Executive, said: “Winning a Scheme National Site Award is a monumental achievement. To receive this top level of industry recognition reflects how much effort and commitment award-winning sites have made to push their standards, and those of the industry, to even higher levels.”

The CCS Awards have been positive for NGN as it was named a runner-up in the national awards for the demolition of another gas holder in Jarrow and the installation of a gas mains replacement project in Redcar, as well scooping more than 50 site awards (28 bronze, 14 silver and ten gold awards) for considerate constructor scheme projects across in the North East, Northern Cumbria and much of Yorkshire.

All award-winning projects have undertaken their activity with the greatest care and consideration towards the public, the environment and their workforce. No matter the size or type of activity, all sites have showcased the very highest standards of considerate construction.

*CCS is a non-profit-making, independent organisation founded in 1997 by the construction industry to improve its image. Construction sites, companies and suppliers voluntarily register with the scheme and agree to abide by the Code of Considerate Practice, designed to encourage best practice beyond statutory requirements.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.