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Northern Gas Networks welcomes IPPr’s new report ‘Who will power the powerhouse’


The North of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), today welcomed influential think tank IPPR North’s latest report on north’s energy economy.

‘Who will power the powerhouse?’ explored the untapped energy potential of the north of England, finding that there is the opportunity to decarbonise the gas sector by converting significant parts of the gas network to run on hydrogen.

This has the additional benefit of incentivising the development of CCS technology, providing an alternative route to achieving realising carbon storage following the termination of a government competition.

Previous research, conducted by KPMG, found that decarbonising the gas network with hydrogen could, in the long term, lead to the creation of 20,000 new jobs and an additional £2.3 billion for the north’s economy by 2050.

The IPPR report can be found here: http://www.ippr.org/files/publications/pdf/who-will-power-the-powerhouse-feb2017.pdf?noredirect=1

KPMG and Northern Gas Networks’report ‘Energising the North’can be found by clicking here.

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Update: £150,000 investment to Wetherby gas distribution network


The north of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is investing £150,000 to upgrade the ageing metal gas distribution network in Westgate, Church Street and Bank Street, Wetherby.

The major project is part of NGn’s ongoing development of infrastructure in the area and will involve replacing 600m of existing metal gas mains with more durable plastic pipes, to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come.

The project began on Monday 9 January, having been planned in conjunction with Leeds City Council to ensure all works are completed with as little disruption as possible.

Phase One of the works is now complete. Phase Two began on Monday 6 February and progressing well, expected to last around three weeks.

During this time there will be a full road closure on Bank Street between 8am and 4pm. NGn’s Customer Care officers will be liaising closely with local businesses for delivery arrangements and are making arrangements for access to the church.

Phase Three will begin on Monday 27 February and last around two weeks. During this final phase there will be a road closure in place on The Shambles from Monday 27 February for one week. NGN will discuss access for deliveries with affected businesses in advance of the road closure.

There will also be a full road closure on Cross Street for one week from Monday 6 March, however access can be obtained via High Street and Market Place.

It’s expected that there will be some delays to bus services as the project continues, however all bus companies have been notified of the phases of works and will be kept informed throughout the project

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times and NGN engineers will be working from Monday to Sunday between 8am and 6pm.

Russ Oxley, Construction Services Area Manager at Northern Gas Networks said: “We have been working closely with Leeds City Council to carefully plan the majority of these works in order to minimise any disruption to customers.

“We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during these works, and thank our customers for their patience and support in getting them completed as quickly as possible.”

For further information about the project please contact NGn’s Customer Care team on 0800 040 7766, option 7 or email customercare@northerngas.co.uk

Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

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Northern Gas Networks joins forces with industry to address energy and utility skills gap


The North of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN) has joined forces with energy and utilities businesses, including Northumbrian Water and Northern Powergrid to launch a strategy aimed at filling the sector’s future skills gap.

The energy and utilities sector requires 221,000 new recruits by 2027, in order to provide the essential services its customers seek and the infrastructure the UK needs for its economic growth. Industry leaders have come together, as the Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership, to build and launch the first ever joint Workforce Renewal and Skills Strategy for the sector.

The Strategy has been created to take the first steps towards ensuring that the UK’s vital energy and utilities sector retains a safe, skilled, resilient and sustainable workforce. It sets out for the first time, in one place, the reality of the challenges faced, immediate initiatives that are underway and the ambitions the Skills Partnership shares in moving towards achieving a more sustainable future. This Strategy sets its immediate focus to 2020, and then will continue to evolve as the Skills Partnership and the wider industry works with our key stakeholders, interest groups and other sectors to deliver an extensive programme of change and cooperation.

Mark Horsley, Chief Executive of Northern Gas Networks, which is part of the partnership, said:

“Being part of the Energy and Utilities Skills Partnership and supporting the Workforce Renewal and Skills Strategy provides a powerful platform to collectively address the long-term workforce challenges we face.

“Our industry is going through a period of great change as we look for new ways to improve efficiency and pave the way for secure, affordable, low carbon forms of energy. The sector relies on a high level of technical expertise, so it’s vital that we recruit and develop the right people with the right skills, both now and in the future.

“At Northern Gas Networks We’re continually evolving our workforce to ensure that we can adapt to the rapidly changing needs of our customers, assessing the skills and capabilities we need for a sustainable future.

“Our apprenticeship programme continues to thrive, providing a launch pad for new talent and we deliver employability and education programmes for students of all stages of academia, focusing strongly on under-represented STEM subjects to inspire and educate about future careers in the industry.

“At the heart of it all is people and We’re focused on making our business a great place to work to ensure we have a contented workforce, inspired to make a difference.”

Nick Ellins, the Chief Executive of Energy & Utility Skills, who will manage the Strategy on behalf of the energy and utilities industry, said “The National Infrastructure Plan is now widely recognised as forming the backbone of industrial strategy, and more than half (56%) of that plan is required to be delivered by the power, water, gas, wastewater and waste management industries. To date the accompanying infrastructure skills strategy has not explicitly recognised this critical contribution or done enough to ensure that the businesses involved have the right environment to ensure a sustainable and talented workforce exists.

“The Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership has come together to develop the first-ever workforce renewal and skills strategy, and construct a solid foundation for sector-wide collaboration. This document begins the discussion, providing a framework that seeks to secure successful UK-wide skills provision through to 2020.

“The Skills Partnership now wishes to engage the whole industry in tackling the issues uncovered and work with central and devolved government, regulators and key interest groups to build initiatives that can address the skills challenge. By working together we can ensure a highly skilled, safe and productive workforce that ultimately invests directly back into society and our communities.”

Tony Cocker, Chief Executive of E.ON UK and Chair of the Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership, said: “Our sector touches the lives of almost everyone in the UK each day, providing essential services for our homes and businesses. In order to deliver and continually develop these services, we need a skilled and sustainable workforce that can help businesses supply the UK’s power, fresh drinking water, safe sanitation, recycling and much more.

“We face an ageing workforce, increasing competition for talent with unemployment reaching its lowest recorded levels and a lack of proficient skills leading to over a third of vacancies being hard-to-fill. Therefore, as a partnership we seek to be the catalyst for change, sharing an ambition to achieve a more sustainable future.

“It is key that businesses across our sector work together to raise the profile of the issues and recommendations outlined in the strategy and, ultimately, encourage and support more people, whatever their background, into training and long-term career opportunities in the energy and utilities industry.”

The Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership has already started to take action, including a commitment from 20 utility-based businesses to a new 12-month pilot programme that seeks to encourage people into industry careers and develop a significant future sector talent pool. The Talent Source Network aims to help employers access hard-to-reach and diverse individuals as well as encourage professionals who are looking for new opportunities or to retrain. Service leavers and those with transferable skills from adjacent sectors such as oil and gas will find the utility environment a natural home and are already a target audience of the pilot programme. To find out more visit www.talentsourcenetwork.co.uk

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£129k upgrade to Rawdon gas distribution network


The North of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is investing around £130,000 to upgrade the ageing metal gas distribution network in Green Acre Park, Quaker Lane and Harrogate Road in Rawdon, Leeds.

The major project is part of NGn’s ongoing development of infrastructure in the area and involves the replacing of existing metal gas mains with more durable plastic pipes to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come.

The 10-week project is progressing well, having been planned in conjunction with Leeds City Council to ensure all works are completed with as little disruption as possible.

In order to ensure this, traffic management measures will be introduced from Monday 13 February.

There will be a full road closure in place on Quaker Lane for around one week from Monday 13 February, with a fully signed diversion route in place.

Two-way temporary traffic lights will also be introduced on Harrogate Road starting at the junction of Quaker Lane to the junction of back Park View Terrace. The lights will be in place from Monday 13 February for one week.

If the works require the suspension of bus stops, temporary stands will be provided and displayed for all bus users.

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times and engineers will be working Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm.

Russ Oxley, Construction Services Area Manager for Northern Gas Networks said: “We have worked closely with the local Highways authority to plan the traffic management to take place during the school half-term holiday, in order to minimise disruption to motorists.

“We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during this project, and thank our customers for their patience and support in getting the works completed as quickly as possible.”

For further information about the project please contact NGn’s Customer Care team on 0800 040 7766, option 7 or email customercare@northerngas.co.uk

Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

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£189,000 upgrade to Huddersfield gas distribution network


The North of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is investing £189,000 to upgrade the ageing metal gas distribution network in and around Bradley Road, Huddersfield.

The major project is part of NGn’s ongoing development of infrastructure in the area and will involve replacing existing metal gas mains with more durable plastic pipes, to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come.

The project, which will begin on Saturday 11 February and last around two weeks, has been planned in conjunction with Kirklees Council to ensure all works are completed with as little disruption as possible.

The works will be completed in two phases with the second phase beginning around Monday 13 March with an estimated completion date of Wednesday 12 June. A more detailed update of this phase will be provided closer to the time.

Phase One will take place on Leeds Road at the junction of Bradley Road, and for engineers to complete the works safely and efficiently, it will be necessary to introduce a number of traffic management measures.

There will be a lane closure on the A6107 Bradley Road at the junction of the A62 Leeds Road, which will be introduced in three stages between Saturday 11 February and Friday 17 February.

There will also be a road closure on the slip road between Leeds Road and Bradley Road in place between Saturday 18 February and Sunday 26 February.

NGN is liaising closely with Metro to discuss alternative bus routes in order to avoid delays.

It is expected motorists will experience delayed journey times due to the traffic management in place, so drivers are advised to use alternative routes where possible.

Engineers will be working Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm and also alternate weekends.

Paul Jagger, Construction Services Area Manager Northern Gas Networks said: “We have been working closely with Kirklees Council to carefully plan these works in order to minimise any disruption to customers.

“We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during the project, and thank our customers for their patience and support in getting these works completed as quickly as possible.”

For further information about the project please contact NGn’s Customer Care team on 0800 040 7766, option 7 or email customercare@northerngas.co.uk

Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

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Wear depot open day – Hendon


Four of the north of England’s utility companies are joining forces as part of Infrastructure North to launch a free energy saving guide, ‘Energy at home’, to mark Fuel Poverty Awareness Day on 26 February.

Northern Gas Networks (NGN), Northern Powergrid, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water, who together make up Infrastructure North, have launched a guide to highlight ways to use energy and water more efficiently in the home.

Through simple and practical advice, ‘Energy at Home’aims to help reduce household carbon emissions and save money on bills. It is estimated that 24% of households in the north of England are living in fuel poverty, where individuals are unable to heat their home to the level needed to stay warm, comfortable and healthy.

This booklet is part of a larger plan by the Infrastructure North group to help support those living in fuel poverty, and is hoped that it will raise awareness of the issue whilst highlighting the range of help and support that is available to vulnerable members of the community. As well as simple and practical energy efficiency advice the guide also provides water saving tips, health and safety advice and information about fuel poverty, fuel debt, switching fuel suppliers and heating and insulation.

Commenting on behalf of Infrastructure North, Tom Bell, Head of Social Strategy at Northern Gas Networks said: “Our region contains some of the most deprived parts of England, where fuel poverty is high and job opportunities are scarce. By launching our Infrastructure North energy efficiency guide to coincide with Fuel Poverty Awareness Day we hope that it will help to raise awareness of the issue of fuel poverty whilst highlighting the range of help and support that is available to vulnerable residents.

“Now is a great time to get a copy of our Infrastructure North energy efficiency guide and find out what extra help may be available to ensure your home is warm ahead of next winter.”

There are many simple steps that can be taken to reduce the amount of energy that it used in the home, cut energy bills and help the environment. These include checking to see if you are eligible for any discounts on your energy bills or financial assistance with heating or insulation improvements. Energy bills can also be reduced by using less hot water.

Northern Powergrid, Northern Gas Networks, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water are responsible for making sure residents across the north of England have a safe and reliable supply of electricity, gas and water to their homes. They work together as Infrastructure North to tackle the social issues that affect communities throughout the north of England, finding ways to best invest in local areas to find solutions to wider social issues.

To view or download a copy of Infrastructure North’s energy efficiency booklet visit infrastructurenorth.co.uk/energysavingguide

For further information on Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, visit nea.org.uk

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Infrastructure North launches free energy saving guide to mark the national Fuel Poverty Awareness Day


Four of the north of England’s utility companies are joining forces as part of Infrastructure North to launch a free energy saving guide, ‘Energy at home’, to mark Fuel Poverty Awareness Day on 26 February.

Northern Gas Networks (NGN), Northern Powergrid, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water, who together make up Infrastructure North, have launched a guide to highlight ways to use energy and water more efficiently in the home.

Through simple and practical advice, ‘Energy at Home’aims to help reduce household carbon emissions and save money on bills. It is estimated that 24% of households in the north of England are living in fuel poverty, where individuals are unable to heat their home to the level needed to stay warm, comfortable and healthy.

This booklet is part of a larger plan by the Infrastructure North group to help support those living in fuel poverty, and is hoped that it will raise awareness of the issue whilst highlighting the range of help and support that is available to vulnerable members of the community. As well as simple and practical energy efficiency advice the guide also provides water saving tips, health and safety advice and information about fuel poverty, fuel debt, switching fuel suppliers and heating and insulation.

Commenting on behalf of Infrastructure North, Tom Bell, Head of Social Strategy at Northern Gas Networks said: “Our region contains some of the most deprived parts of England, where fuel poverty is high and job opportunities are scarce. By launching our Infrastructure North energy efficiency guide to coincide with Fuel Poverty Awareness Day we hope that it will help to raise awareness of the issue of fuel poverty whilst highlighting the range of help and support that is available to vulnerable residents.

“Now is a great time to get a copy of our Infrastructure North energy efficiency guide and find out what extra help may be available to ensure your home is warm ahead of next winter.”

There are many simple steps that can be taken to reduce the amount of energy that it used in the home, cut energy bills and help the environment. These include checking to see if you are eligible for any discounts on your energy bills or financial assistance with heating or insulation improvements. Energy bills can also be reduced by using less hot water.

Northern Powergrid, Northern Gas Networks, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water are responsible for making sure residents across the north of England have a safe and reliable supply of electricity, gas and water to their homes. They work together as Infrastructure North to tackle the social issues that affect communities throughout the north of England, finding ways to best invest in local areas to find solutions to wider social issues.

To view or download a copy of Infrastructure North’s energy efficiency booklet visit infrastructurenorth.co.uk/energysavingguide

For further information on Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, visit nea.org.uk

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Upgrade to gas mains in Keldgate and Lairgate, Beverley


Four of the north of England’s utility companies are joining forces as part of Infrastructure North to launch a free energy saving guide, ‘Energy at home’, to mark Fuel Poverty Awareness Day on 26 February.

Northern Gas Networks (NGN), Northern Powergrid, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water, who together make up Infrastructure North, have launched a guide to highlight ways to use energy and water more efficiently in the home.

Through simple and practical advice, ‘Energy at Home’aims to help reduce household carbon emissions and save money on bills. It is estimated that 24% of households in the north of England are living in fuel poverty, where individuals are unable to heat their home to the level needed to stay warm, comfortable and healthy.

This booklet is part of a larger plan by the Infrastructure North group to help support those living in fuel poverty, and is hoped that it will raise awareness of the issue whilst highlighting the range of help and support that is available to vulnerable members of the community. As well as simple and practical energy efficiency advice the guide also provides water saving tips, health and safety advice and information about fuel poverty, fuel debt, switching fuel suppliers and heating and insulation.

Commenting on behalf of Infrastructure North, Tom Bell, Head of Social Strategy at Northern Gas Networks said: “Our region contains some of the most deprived parts of England, where fuel poverty is high and job opportunities are scarce. By launching our Infrastructure North energy efficiency guide to coincide with Fuel Poverty Awareness Day we hope that it will help to raise awareness of the issue of fuel poverty whilst highlighting the range of help and support that is available to vulnerable residents.

“Now is a great time to get a copy of our Infrastructure North energy efficiency guide and find out what extra help may be available to ensure your home is warm ahead of next winter.”

There are many simple steps that can be taken to reduce the amount of energy that it used in the home, cut energy bills and help the environment. These include checking to see if you are eligible for any discounts on your energy bills or financial assistance with heating or insulation improvements. Energy bills can also be reduced by using less hot water.

Northern Powergrid, Northern Gas Networks, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water are responsible for making sure residents across the north of England have a safe and reliable supply of electricity, gas and water to their homes. They work together as Infrastructure North to tackle the social issues that affect communities throughout the north of England, finding ways to best invest in local areas to find solutions to wider social issues.

To view or download a copy of Infrastructure North’s energy efficiency booklet visit infrastructurenorth.co.uk/energysavingguide

For further information on Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, visit nea.org.uk

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Replacement work completed early in Alnwick


Four of the north of England’s utility companies are joining forces as part of Infrastructure North to launch a free energy saving guide, ‘Energy at home’, to mark Fuel Poverty Awareness Day on 26 February.

Northern Gas Networks (NGN), Northern Powergrid, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water, who together make up Infrastructure North, have launched a guide to highlight ways to use energy and water more efficiently in the home.

Through simple and practical advice, ‘Energy at Home’aims to help reduce household carbon emissions and save money on bills. It is estimated that 24% of households in the north of England are living in fuel poverty, where individuals are unable to heat their home to the level needed to stay warm, comfortable and healthy.

This booklet is part of a larger plan by the Infrastructure North group to help support those living in fuel poverty, and is hoped that it will raise awareness of the issue whilst highlighting the range of help and support that is available to vulnerable members of the community. As well as simple and practical energy efficiency advice the guide also provides water saving tips, health and safety advice and information about fuel poverty, fuel debt, switching fuel suppliers and heating and insulation.

Commenting on behalf of Infrastructure North, Tom Bell, Head of Social Strategy at Northern Gas Networks said: “Our region contains some of the most deprived parts of England, where fuel poverty is high and job opportunities are scarce. By launching our Infrastructure North energy efficiency guide to coincide with Fuel Poverty Awareness Day we hope that it will help to raise awareness of the issue of fuel poverty whilst highlighting the range of help and support that is available to vulnerable residents.

“Now is a great time to get a copy of our Infrastructure North energy efficiency guide and find out what extra help may be available to ensure your home is warm ahead of next winter.”

There are many simple steps that can be taken to reduce the amount of energy that it used in the home, cut energy bills and help the environment. These include checking to see if you are eligible for any discounts on your energy bills or financial assistance with heating or insulation improvements. Energy bills can also be reduced by using less hot water.

Northern Powergrid, Northern Gas Networks, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water are responsible for making sure residents across the north of England have a safe and reliable supply of electricity, gas and water to their homes. They work together as Infrastructure North to tackle the social issues that affect communities throughout the north of England, finding ways to best invest in local areas to find solutions to wider social issues.

To view or download a copy of Infrastructure North’s energy efficiency booklet visit infrastructurenorth.co.uk/energysavingguide

For further information on Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, visit nea.org.uk

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Customers invited to attend community forum in Armitage Bridge


Four of the north of England’s utility companies are joining forces as part of Infrastructure North to launch a free energy saving guide, ‘Energy at home’, to mark Fuel Poverty Awareness Day on 26 February.

Northern Gas Networks (NGN), Northern Powergrid, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water, who together make up Infrastructure North, have launched a guide to highlight ways to use energy and water more efficiently in the home.

Through simple and practical advice, ‘Energy at Home’aims to help reduce household carbon emissions and save money on bills. It is estimated that 24% of households in the north of England are living in fuel poverty, where individuals are unable to heat their home to the level needed to stay warm, comfortable and healthy.

This booklet is part of a larger plan by the Infrastructure North group to help support those living in fuel poverty, and is hoped that it will raise awareness of the issue whilst highlighting the range of help and support that is available to vulnerable members of the community. As well as simple and practical energy efficiency advice the guide also provides water saving tips, health and safety advice and information about fuel poverty, fuel debt, switching fuel suppliers and heating and insulation.

Commenting on behalf of Infrastructure North, Tom Bell, Head of Social Strategy at Northern Gas Networks said: “Our region contains some of the most deprived parts of England, where fuel poverty is high and job opportunities are scarce. By launching our Infrastructure North energy efficiency guide to coincide with Fuel Poverty Awareness Day we hope that it will help to raise awareness of the issue of fuel poverty whilst highlighting the range of help and support that is available to vulnerable residents.

“Now is a great time to get a copy of our Infrastructure North energy efficiency guide and find out what extra help may be available to ensure your home is warm ahead of next winter.”

There are many simple steps that can be taken to reduce the amount of energy that it used in the home, cut energy bills and help the environment. These include checking to see if you are eligible for any discounts on your energy bills or financial assistance with heating or insulation improvements. Energy bills can also be reduced by using less hot water.

Northern Powergrid, Northern Gas Networks, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water are responsible for making sure residents across the north of England have a safe and reliable supply of electricity, gas and water to their homes. They work together as Infrastructure North to tackle the social issues that affect communities throughout the north of England, finding ways to best invest in local areas to find solutions to wider social issues.

To view or download a copy of Infrastructure North’s energy efficiency booklet visit infrastructurenorth.co.uk/energysavingguide

For further information on Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, visit nea.org.uk

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