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15:00 Update: Loss of supply to properties in Hayton


A team of engineers from Northern Gas Networks (NGN) are working hard to restore gas supplies to around 170 properties in the village of Hayton in Cumbria, which are without gas after water made its way into the gas main.

Engineers have safely turned off the gas supply to all of the affected properties at the meter and are now working to systematically restore supplies.

Matty McBride, customer operations area manager, Northern Gas Networks said, “Our engineers are on site working hard to restore gas supplies to all of the properties affected.  Now that we’ve turned off the gas supply to every property at the meter work is beginning to restore supplies.

“We’re very aware of the impact that being without gas has, in particular on our vulnerable customers and their needs have been prioritised. We hope to have a number of properties back on gas today and will be able to provide a further update this evening.”

He continued: “We would like to apologise to customers for the inconvenience caused and reassure everyone that we are doing all we can to get everyone affected back on gas as quickly as possible.”

A temporary incident room has been set up at the Village Hall (CA8 9HR) where residents can drop by and ask any questions.

Alternative cooking and heating facilities have been provided to customers while they are without gas.

Anyone with any questions or concerns is being asked to speak to an engineer on site, drop into the Village Hall or contact NGN’s Customer Care team on 0800 040 7766.

Anyone who smells gas should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999.

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Loss of gas supply to properites in Hayton, Cumbria


Approximately 170 residential properties in the village of Hayton near Carlisle are currently without gas after water made its way into a gas main.

A team of engineers from Northern Gas Networks (NGN) are on site investigating the cause and preparing to remove the water from the gas pipes.

In order to safely remove the water from the gas main and carry out the repair it is necessary for engineers to turn the gas supply to affected properties off at the meter.

Matty McBride, customer operations area manager, Northern Gas Networks said, “Our engineers are on site hand delivering letters and door knocking customers in order to get access to their properties to turn off the gas at the meter.  If you’re not at home when we call round please contact us as soon as you return to arrange for your gas supply to be safely turned off at the meter.  You can either speak to an engineer on site or contact the Customer Care team on 0800 040 7766 to arrange this.”

Mr McBride added: “We have set up a temporary incident room in the Village Hall (CA8 9HR) where residents can drop by and ask any questions. Electric heaters and hot plates are being hand delivered to customers and welfare facilities are being arranged.

“We are working to identify any vulnerable customers in the area and ensure that they are looked after as a priority. We would like to apologise to customers for the inconvenience caused. Please be assured that we are doing all we can to get everyone affected back on gas as quickly as possible.”

Anyone with any questions or concerns is being asked to speak to an engineer on site, drop into the Village Hall or contact NGN’s Customer Care team on 0800 040 7766.

Anyone who smells gas should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999.

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£120K upgrade to gas mains on Temple Park Green, Leeds


The North of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is investing £120,000 to upgrade ageing metal gas mains in Temple Park Green, Leeds.

This major project is part of NGNs’ ongoing replacement of infrastructure in the region and will involve replacing over 2Km of existing metal gas mains with more durable plastic pipes to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come.

The project, which will commence on Monday 4 January, will take approximately 11 weeks to complete and has been carefully planned in conjunction with Leeds City Council to ensure the works are carried out with as little disruption as possible.

Russ Oxley, Construction Services Area Manager Northern Gas Networks said: “We have been working closely with Leeds City Council to carefully plan these works and will be doing all we can to minimise any disruption caused.

“To ensure that we complete the work as soon as possible our engineers will be working Monday to Saturday from 8am to 5pm.

The project has been planned to be carried out in phases in order to keep disruption to a minimum.  The work will begin on Templegate Avenue and progress to New Templegate, Templegate Rise, Temple Park Close, Temple Park Green and finally Temple Lea.

In order to carry out works safely and efficiently it will be necessary to put a road closure in place on Templegate Avenue at the junction of New Templegate from Monday 25 January until Friday 5 February.  A diversion route will be in place for all road users and a temporary bus stop will be located on Templegate Avenue.

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

Russ concluded: “We would like to take this opportunity to apologise in advance for any inconvenience this essential work may cause and thank members of the public for their patience and support.”

The work is expected to be complete by 16 March 2016.

For further information about the project please contact NGN’s Customer Care team on 0800 040 7766 or email customercare@northerngas.co.uk

Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

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Northern Gas Networks’ helps clean up Corbridge


The north of England’s gas distributer Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is donating £1,000 to Corbridge Parish Council to help fund the purchase of four waste collection bins which will be located in and around Corbridge.

NGN has been working in Corbridge since August 2015 replacing ageing metal gas mains with modern plastic equivalents.  The work is part of its ongoing investment in the gas mains infrastructure across the north of England and will ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come.

NGN has been working closely with the local community and in a bid to help encourage volunteers with the regular litter picks that Corbridge Parish Council organise, the company is making the contribution to help keep the village looking clean and tidy.

During the autumn months NGN replaced around 2.8km of ageing gas mains on St Helens Lane, Crofts Avenue, Crofts Close, Crofts Way and Aydon Road with new modern plastic pipes.

This part of the scheme is now complete and engineers are now working to upgrade 1.3km of ageing gas mains in and around Roman Way, Stagshaw Road, Cow Lane and Priory Gardens. This phase of the work is scheduled to be complete by the end of January 2016.

NGN plans to carry out further gas mains improvement works in Newcastle Road later in 2016, once discussions have taken place with the local highways authority and surrounding businesses and residents.

Richie Manuel, construction services area manager from Northern Gas Networks, said: “We’ve been investing heavily in the underground pipe network in the Corbridge area, which is more than 100 years old. The new infrastructure will ensure that our customers continue to benefit from a safe and reliable gas supply for years to come, but we wanted our legacy to extend beyond the pipes that we put in the ground which is why we have worked with the parish council to identify much needed support for the litter picking scheme.

Clerk to the Parish Council, Mandy Senior, said: “The works undertaken have inevitably caused some disruption and local residents were understandably frustrated, especially after the disruption of the gas works on Middle Street in January 2013.  However, I was very impressed with NGN for engaging with us this year and informing us of progress and the regular customer drop in meetings the customer care officers held during the course of the project. We’re delighted that they are supporting our litter picking scheme and helping to keep Corbridge clean and tidy.”

For further information about the essentials works in Corbridge please contact NGN’s Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766, selecting option 7 or email customercare@northerngas.co.uk

Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

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Report launched today highlights the contribution of utility companies to the northern economy


A new independent report launched at the House of Commons today (14 December) reveals utility companies are driving economic regeneration across the north of England through £2 billion worth of investment per year.

A number of MPs from the Northern region attended the launch of the report, which has been undertaken by Edge Analytics on behalf of Northern Gas Networks, Northern Powergrid, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water, which together make up Infrastructure North.

The report shows that for every £1 the four companies invest, a ripple effect of 87p additional spend in the region is created. This means that over the next five years, they’ll generate additional investment of £10 billion in the north. The report highlights:

  • The north has the potential to be a driving force in the UK economy – if the Northern Powerhouse region were a country it would be the ninth most economically significant in Europe.
  • The economic contribution of four northern utility companies – £2billion per year investment and expenditure and 9,000 jobs. These companies serve 13% of the UK population – more than eight million people.

Tom Fielden, Finance Director of Northern Powergrid said: “Since our last report two years ago, our four companies have made a significant economic impact.  There are now 40% more businesses in our supply chains with 33% more within the north. Some 1,000 jobs have been created and our commitment to our communities has strengthened further, with

30,000 volunteering hours over the last year, 49,000 children reached through educational visits and one million visitors to recreation sites.”

Speaking at the launch event, Heidi Mottram CEO of Northumbrian Water, said: “By working together we are helping to sustain and encourage economic growth in the north. Collectively we are investing £2.16bn each year in the region to ensure customers continue to receive high quality and reliable services. Services which are a vital part of everyday life, such as energy and water, are needed to make everything else work. This investment is key to developing the northern economy, and is an important part of the Northern Powerhouse goal to rebalance growth across the UK. The contribution of this unique partnership is also making the north a fantastic place to live, work and visit, now and in the future.” 

Mark Horsley, CEO of Northern Gas Networks added:Over the next five years we plan to invest over £10 billion in operational and capital expenditure projects and a further £1.3 billion on salaries.  However this report doesn’t just talk about our impact and growth, it also recognises the wider potential and the opportunities for strengthening the north such as our wider societal commitments.  These include tackling key issues where we have a part to play such as skills and training, poverty, resource efficiency, education, innovation projects, environmental impact and more to improve the health and wellbeing of our region.”

Richard Flint, Yorkshire Water Chief Executive, comments: “Although we are beginning to see signs of economic growth, we understand that affordability is still a big issue for our customers. We are committed to keeping costs down for our customers and bills will be reduced in real terms over the next five years. A joint approach means we are also best placed to offer additional support to the more vulnerable members of our society.”

The Infrastructure North collaboration is unique and one that senior political figures are urging others to follow.

James Wharton MP, Minister for the Northern Powerhouse, commented: “I’m very pleased to see collaboration – the key lifeblood of the Northern Powerhouse – between these companies to align plans for growth and invest in long-term solutions. I’d welcome further collaboration with other companies across the north to extend this good work.

“I commend these companies for the way they are helping to sustain economic growth in the north, and improve the health and wellbeing of their regions. I am sure you will read the report with great interest.”

Anne-Marie Trevelyan, MP for Berwick upon Tweed comments: “We have an expectation that when we turn on our taps that water will come out, turn the central heating on and our homes will become warm or flick a switch that the lights will come on, and rightly so.  But as we will hear it is time we as leaders be more mindful of how we can work with those who supply our energy and water to make sure our investments get the best outcomes for our communities.  Clearly together we can make our region even stronger.”

To read the full report, visit infrastructurenorth.co.uk.

Follow the launch live on Twitter using the hashtag #infranorth


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Essential upgrade to gas mains in Masham, North Yorkshire


The north of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is carrying out the final phase of a major project, to upgrade gas mains in Masham.

NGN has been working closely with North Yorkshire Council and Masham Parish Council to plan the £340,000 investment programme, which involves laying a brand new 435m medium pressure gas main to ensure the continued, safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come.

The final phase of the work which will take place on Masham Bridge, a B-road to High Burton, just off the A6108, and The Avenue will commence Tuesday 5 January 2016 and take approximately four weeks to complete.

Works were originally planned to be undertaken on Masham Bridge with plans to close the bridge to vehicles and pedestrians, but following discussions with North Yorkshire Council and Masham Parish Council, NGN has revised its work plan to minimise disruption to customers.

The new proposal will see access maintained to Masham Bridge at all times and the closure of a B-road to High Burton which is located just off the A6108 before Masham Bridge.  The road will be closed to pedestrians and traffic and will be effective from Tuesday 5 January to Tuesday 26 January 2016.  A signed diversion route will be in place and advanced notification signs will advise road users about alternative routes. NGN is advising motorists to allow extra time for their journeys.

The revised works plan will involve engineers using innovative new techniques to insert a new main under the River Ure.

Stuart Armin, construction services area manager for NGN, said: “This work is the final phase of a £340,000 gas mains reinforcement scheme in Masham village. The first phase commenced in September 2015 on Masham Road and is due to be completed before Christmas 2015.  This second phase of our works will start in January 2016.

“We have continued to work closely with North Yorkshire Council and Masham Parish Council to carefully plan these essential works and will be doing all we can to ensure that traffic continues to flow into Masham with minimum disruption for local residents, businesses and passing traffic.

“We would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience this essential work may cause and thank members of the public for their understanding.”

For further information about the project please visit www.northerngasnetworks.co.uk, contact NGN’s Customer Care team on 0800 040 7766 or email customercare@northerngas.co.uk.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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New report highlights the contribution of utility companies to the northern region


Northern Gas Networks, Northern Powergrid, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water, which together make up Infrastructure North, will launch a new report on Monday which shows they are driving forward economic regeneration through £2 billion worth of investment per year.

Over 50 MPs from the Northern region are expected to attend the launch of the report at the House of Commons on Monday 14  December.

The independent report undertaken by Edge Analytics shows that for every £1 the four companies invest, a ripple effect of 87p additional spend in the region is created. This means that over the next five years, they’ll generate additional investment of £10 billion in the north.

On reading the report, James Wharton MP, Minister for the Northern Powerhouse, commented: “I’m very pleased to see collaboration – the key lifeblood of the Northern Powerhouse – between these companies to align plans for growth and invest in long-term solutions. I’d welcome further collaboration with other companies across the north to extend this good work.

“I commend these companies for the way they are helping to sustain economic growth in the north, and improve the health and wellbeing of their regions. I am sure you will read the report with great interest.”

Richard Flint, Yorkshire Water Chief Executive, comments: “As four of the biggest utilities in England, we’re really proud of this report which shows that we don’t just provide a service to our customers; we also pump billions of pounds into the local economy.

“Although we are beginning to see signs of economic growth, we understand that affordability is still a big issue for our customers. We are committed to keeping costs down for our customers and bills will be reduced in real terms over the next five years. A joint approach means we are also best placed to offer additional support to the more vulnerable members of our society.”

Tom Fielden, Finance Director of Northern Powergrid said: Since our last report two years ago, our four companies have made a significant economic impact.  There are now 40% more businesses in our supply chains with 33% more within the north.  1,000 more jobs have been created and our commitment to our communities has strengthened further, with 30,000 volunteering hours over the last year, 49,000 children reached through educational visits and 1m visitors to recreation sites.

“We are investing £2.16bn each year in the region to ensure customers continue to receive a high quality and reliable service. This investment is a key part of developing the northern economy as part of the Northern Powerhouse to rebalance growth across the regions in the UK.” 

Although each company in the partnership plays a different role, they all face the same future challenges. With the population set to increase by 770,000 people over the next 25 years, the partnership is securing a sustainable future by looking after the environment now and in the future; balancing the challenges of population growth, climate change and affordability and keeping the customer at the heart of everything they do.

Anne-Marie Trevelyan, MP for Berwick upon Tweed comments: “As England’s most northerly MP it is my pleasure to sponsor an event which celebrates the heart of the Northern Powerhouse.  The launch of Infrastructure North’s new report on the economic impact of the regions water, gas, and electricity companies, Northumbrian Water, Yorkshire Water, Northern Gas Networks and Northern Powergrid.  

“We have an expectation that when we turn on our taps that water will come out, turn the central heating on and our homes will become warm or flick a switch that the lights will come on, and rightly so.  But as we will hear it is time we as leaders be more mindful of how we can work with those who supply our energy and water to make sure our investments get the best outcomes for our communities.  Clearly together we can make our region even stronger.”

Follow the launch live on Twitter using the hashtag #infranorth

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Success for Northern Gas Networks at the North East Contact Centre Awards


The north of England’s gas distributor, Northern Gas Networks (NGN) is celebrating after being crowned ‘Best of British Dream Team’ at this year’s North East Contact Centre Awards.

NGN was nominated for ‘Crowning Glory – North East Customer Contact Centre of the Year 2015, under 250 seats’, as well as ‘Best of British Dream Team’ against national household names including Barclay’s Bank, Tesco Bank and AXA.

The awards ceremony, which took place on 20 November recognises the best practitioners in the contact and call centre industry from across the region. The 2015 ceremony marked the 12th year of the North East Contact Centre Awards and it has become a prestigious event in the industry’s calendar.

NGN received the award due to its successful delivery of exceptional customer service, through collective effort and outstanding teamwork.

Eileen Brown, head of customer experience, NGN, said: “We are absolutely thrilled to have won this award and I’m really proud of everyone at NGN who has contributed towards delivering such fantastic service to our customers.

“We were up against some stiff competition so it is a real testament to our team’s continued hard work to be able to come away with this award. I’d like to congratulate everyone who was nominated and won at the awards.”

For more information go to www.northerngasnetworks.co.uk

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Northern Gas Networks launches carbon monoxide awareness competition in the North


The North of England’s gas distributor, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is calling on schools across the North East, northern Cumbria and Yorkshire to enter a creative competition to help raise awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning.

Launched during CO Awareness Week (16 – 23 November), the regional heats are the first stage of a national competition in partnership with registered charity CO-Gas Safety and the UK’s gas distribution networks, to get children thinking about the causes and symptoms of CO poisoning.

The competition which is now in its ninth year, is open to children aged five to seven and eight to 11 years old and they can work as individuals or as a groups.

NGN is inviting children to submit their competition entries in any media, whether it be through music and dance, a sculpture or poster, a poem or a story. The most creative entry in each age category that best highlights the dangers of CO poisoning will go forward to represent the North as regional finalists in the grand finals later next year.

CO is often referred to as the silent killer as it has no smell, colour or taste, making it difficult to detect. This results in around 50 deaths in the UK each year, as well as many hundreds of people needing medical treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning.

Winners of the regional heats in the North will win a prize of £200 for themselves and £300 for their school with the winning artwork being displayed on NGN’s worksites and company website.

Tom Bell, head of social strategy at NGN, said: “At NGN we take the safety of customers very seriously so it is a pleasure to be involved in spreading such a vitally important message about the danger of CO. The Toxic gas can be a deadly, so engaging school children through art is a great way to raise awareness and hopefully educate whole families too.”

All entries must be submitted electronically by emailing COintheframe@northerngas.co.uk by end of February 2016. Physical artwork and performances will need to be videoed or photographed.

NGN delivers gas to 2.7 million homes and businesses across the North of England and provides the region’s rapid response service for customers who smell gas at home or work.

For more information go to www.northerngasnetworks.co.uk

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UPDATE Gas loss incident – Consett – November 19, 3.00pm


Engineers from Northern Gas Networks (NGN) have restored gas supplies to 739 properties in Consett and the remaining homes will be reconnected today, other than a small number of properties where engineers haven’t been able to gain access.
The incident affecting over 750 properties occurred in the Delves Lane and Castle Dene areas of Consett, County Durham, when water from a damaged water main entered the gas mains.
John Richardson, customer operations area manager, Northern Gas Networks, said: “739 properties are now back on gas and the remaining properties will be restored today, with exception of those where we haven’t been able to gain access. We’d like to ask these customers to call us so as soon as possible so that an engineer can be dispatched to restore supplies.
“I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone in Consett for their continued patience while we’ve been working to restore gas supplies. The support and understanding from the local people has been incredible.”
Free food and showering facilities will be available until the end of the afternoon.
The incident room remains open at the village hall on Delves Lane.
Anyone with questions is advised to speak to visit the Village Hall or contact NGN’s Customer Care team on 0800 040 7766 option 5.
Anyone who smells gas should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999.

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