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0113 322 7950

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Stakeholder Relations Team


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We have:

  • Amended our stakeholder reporting to reflect your priorities and made it clearer to read, as well as redesigning our stakeholder website
  • Incorporated more detail on social and community issues in our regular communications like the regular eBulletin
  • Trialled depot days; inviting local authorities and wider stakeholders to our depots to hear about our work and see new technologies first hand


It’s important that we check in with you regularly to understand your priorities so we can keep our plans and service delivery aligned to your needs. This independent research consisted of six customer focus groups and 23 in depth stakeholder interviews to give us a good representative view from our stakeholders about what is important to them. There was a huge amount of valuable feedback for example, you told us:

  • Communicate more about your work on social issues and work in local communities
  • That our stakeholder report should be more forward looking
  • To work more closely with local authorities around innovation