If you smell gas or are worried about gas safety, call 0800 111 999 at any time of the day or night. Read more

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Smell Gas?
0800 111 999
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0800 040 7766

Latest update

Example Update
09/07/2024 4:30pm

Anim anim ipsum exercitation nulla ea consequat dolore ipsum dolor Lorem esse culpa. Deserunt sint eu veniam culpa mollit sint anim veniam laborum minim. Et dolor tempor occaecat quis aute. Dolore deserunt minim irure labore.

Previous updates

30/05/2024 5:30pm

Aliqua exercitation ex aliquip veniam. Excepteur ullamco commodo laborum ullamco. In mollit esse pariatur. Reprehenderit sit laboris eu consectetur consequat culpa eiusmod deserunt do mollit ullamco labore. Dolore reprehenderit et ut elit aliqua culpa deserunt irure laborum proident ad quis est irure voluptate.

Update title
23/05/2024 11:27am

Pariatur deserunt reprehenderit anim ea. Culpa culpa sint et aliqua laborum tempor labore non incididunt laborum ipsum. Aute veniam dolor sunt pariatur id sunt sint commodo voluptate. Exercitation proident aliqua non et velit consectetur minim ex sit ut est pariatur sint amet. Consequat esse velit proident do ea ullamco magna cillum voluptate proident.

Update title
15/05/2024 12:00am

Deserunt anim cillum officia aliqua qui velit adipisicing amet duis aute aliqua labore proident cupidatat. Nisi reprehenderit duis nulla est do qui velit laboris magna. Laboris labore tempor ea culpa irure minim mollit deserunt quis qui ullamco. Esse exercitation amet ad in occaecat dolore proident nulla Lorem officia ad ea eu.

Heaters & hot plates

You can collect heaters and hot plated from our customer support centre to use while you are without gas. Please use this sparingly to avoid overloading the electricity grid and causing a power cut.

Priority services

This icon is to be used as and when needed for any other priority information that needs to be provided.

Accessible communications

If you’re home or business is directly impacted by this work and need information providing in an alternative language, Braille or large print, please get in touch with our Customer Care team on 0800 040 7766.

Affected by our work?

We’re replacing the existing iron gas pipes with new plastic pipes, which will ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to you today while getting the network ready to transport alternative greener fuels in future. 
Visit northerngasnetworks.co.uk to watch our short video about what’s involved when we carry out work on your street. 

We always aim to keep businesses, customers, motorists and the media updated on any major planned work in their area. We send letters to people whose homes are affected, and door knock every property. Sometimes we organise community drop in events for customers and the wider community to ask any questions and discuss the project in more detailWe use clever technology such as underground cameras to assess the condition of pipes, prioritise work and keep digging to a minimum whenever we can, but it isn’t always possible.  

Some on street parking may be restricted, but you’ll be able to access your garage or driveway at all times unless previously agreed with you. We may take up a bit of road space or on the verge as a site storage area for our equipment, and we’ll restore any areas that we’ve disturbed as quickly as possible after the project is finished. 

The last thing we want to do is cause any unnecessary stress, so call our Customer Care team on 0800 040 7766 or speak to one of our engineers on site and we’ll try our best to put special arrangements in place for you. 

We have to go into every property and test all the gas appliances to check they’re safe when turning the gas back onIf your gas is off because of planned pipe upgrade work, we’ll do everything we can to get it back on by tea-time, but it may take a little longer. If you’re not at home when we call we’ll leave a contact card so that you can get in touch and arrange for an engineer to come out as soon as possible.   

We have a commitment to fill holes and restore areas of tarmac, paving or grass we’ve disturbed, matching it as close as we can to the originalNew surfaces may take a while to blend with older, more weathered areas, so please bear this in mindWe’ll aim to have everything back to normal within five working days of your gas going back on. If you have a path or driveway made of specialist or hard-to-source materials, such as printed concrete, this may take slightly longer.  

The work we do is important to keep your gas supply flowing and communities safe.  We will work hard to try and keep the impact on your trade as small as possible.

If your business relies on customers visiting the affected premises to trade, and you’ve lost money as a result of our work, you may be able to claim compensation. 

All loss of business claims will be dealt with in accordance with the Gas (Street Works) (Compensation of Small Businesses) Regulations 1996.

Visit northerngasnetworks.co.uk/getintouch to find out more and how to claim. 

Sometimes we need to use temporary traffic lights, divert local bus routes or close a road to keep the public and our engineers safe while we’re working. We’ll always let you know well in advance if this is the case.

Your gas supply

National Grid is responsible for ensuring the national gas pipeline system is kept in balance. It ensures a balanced system by buying and selling gas and using stored gas to ensure that in most normal circumstances, demand can be met.  

Usually the system is balanced by gas bought on the open market through the ‘On the Day Commodity Market (OCM)’ set up as part of the Network Code, the rules that govern the supply of gas. National Grid also has gas in store (the so called Top-up and Operating Margins gas) to ensure the system is balanced and that supplies are maintained. 

Energy prices and market impact

Since 1990, network companies have invested around £100 billion in the national and local grids, operating one of the most reliable networks in Europe. That’s nearly £4,000 invested for every household. 

The rise in wholesale gas prices will not affect the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers and the UK Government is confident that there are sufficient resources to meet energy demand. 

There are protections in place to ensure there is no interruption to gas or electricity supply if your energy supplier goes out of businesses. 

If your energy supplier ceases trading you will be transferred to a new supplier automatically.   Take a meter read (if possible) so that you can give this to your new supplier. 

You can find out more about the consumer protections that are in place here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/news-and-views/blog/how-youre-protected-when-energy-firms-collapse 

If you are concerned about the current situation, contact your energy supplier, or the energy regulator, Ofgem – www.ofgem.gov.uk 

Customers on a fixed deal won’t see a change to their tariff or unit rate until their deal comes to an end, unless their supplier ceases trading. 

If your supplier goes out of business your new supplier will put you on a new tariff which might be more expensive than your old one. 

You can switch if you’re not happy with your new supplier or tariff. You can do this without paying an exit fee.  However, because many energy suppliers are struggling, you won’t find as many tariffs as normal. 

Other customers who may see an immediate increase to the unit rate are those whose fixed rate tariff is now coming to an end as they will have to find a new deal – many of which are much higher than in previous months. 

The energy price cap allows energy suppliers to pass on all reasonable costs to customers, including increases in the cost of buying gas. 

The energy price cap will increase from 1 April 2022 for approximately 22 million customers.  Those on default tariffs paying by direct debit will see an increase of £693 from £1,277 to £1,971 per year (difference due to rounding).  Prepayment customers will see an increase of £708 from £1,309 to £2,017.* 

This increase is driven by a record rise in global gas prices, with wholesale prices quadrupling in 2021. 

The price cap is updated twice and year and tracks wholesale energy and other costs.  

*All figures according to Ofgem, February 2022 

Energy suppliers are working with Government and Ofgem on measures to manage the situation and support customers. 

If you’re struggling to afford your energy bills, you might be able to take advantage of certain benefits, grants and help offered by the government and energy suppliers. Citizens Advice have lots of helpful information on their website: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/energy/energy-supply/get-help-paying-your-bills/grants-and-benefits-to-help-you-pay-your-energy-bills/ 

Alternatively you can call their consumer helpline which gives free, impartial advice to people who are worried about their energy costs and staying warm during winter. 

Making simple changes to your home to make it more energy efficient can save hundreds of pounds on your energy bills every year whilst helping the environment.  Our guide to saving money, reducing waste and staying safe at home is packed full of helpful advice and tips about how to save money on your gas, electricity and water bills whilst helping the environment. You can download it from our websiteJust search ‘Energy at Home’ 

Wholesale gas prices have increased due to a number of reasons, primarily a global gas shortage caused by depleted stocks following a cold winter last winter, reduced supply from overseas, and increased demand for liquefied natural gas from the Far East. 

This has been compounded by a lower output from renewable sources such as solar power and wind, due to a windless summer, creating more reliance on gas. 

The situation emphasises why it is so important that we invest in a flexible, interconnected, zero-carbon energy system including a hydrogen economy reliant on domestic production to protect us from fluctuations on the international energy markets.  This will help protect the long-term reliability of UK energy supplies today, and for generations to come. 

During the global pandemic, energy networks have worked with the energy regulator, Ofgem, at pace to bring forward over £300m of investment which will unlock Net Zero projects in the UK and secure a Green Recovery. 

Video title

Amet occaecat minim excepteur enim dolor laborum ullamco eu voluptate do ut culpa eu cillum. Veniam amet duis cillum elit sunt cupidatat laboris sit mollit. Irure reprehenderit nisi qui qui duis fugiat in duis id. Do eu cupidatat incididunt in tempor. Mollit incididunt irure aliquip.

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Example Video

Mollit labore proident ex anim nostrud irure ex in et est dolor proident anim sint adipisicing. Veniam labore adipisicing anim tempor exercitation voluptate occaecat anim eu qui cillum. Nulla ullamco aute Lorem culpa cillum pariatur. Exercitation enim pariatur voluptate ipsum irure ea commodo aliqua adipisicing sunt adipisicing ea voluptate excepteur. Ullamco ex elit ipsum voluptate fugiat. Ut cillum aliquip non et aliquip mollit ea cillum sit sint sint sint eiusmod pariatur. Culpa nulla tempor minim laboris duis dolore aliqua ut occaecat minim commodo.

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Image of Team Member

Team Member

Job Title

Mollit proident elit duis. Ipsum adipisicing labore commodo fugiat eiusmod tempor. Magna sint aliqua ad et laborum esse do dolore id ut mollit id. Voluptate deserunt adipisicing laborum eu aute anim et esse aliqua ullamco quis culpa tempor. Magna Lorem dolor aute proident. Nostrud eiusmod ipsum laboris in ad pariatur id et cupidatat qui irure. Id officia non tempor fugiat magna commodo ullamco nostrud eiusmod sint consectetur adipisicing. Ea exercitation officia fugiat esse aliquip fugiat qui qui nisi eiusmod culpa mollit mollit.

Image of Team Member

Team Member

Job Title

Mollit proident elit duis. Ipsum adipisicing labore commodo fugiat eiusmod tempor. Magna sint aliqua ad et laborum esse do dolore id ut mollit id. Voluptate deserunt adipisicing laborum eu aute anim et esse aliqua ullamco quis culpa tempor. Magna Lorem dolor aute proident. Nostrud eiusmod ipsum laboris in ad pariatur id et cupidatat qui irure. Id officia non tempor fugiat magna commodo ullamco nostrud eiusmod sint consectetur adipisicing. Ea exercitation officia fugiat esse aliquip fugiat qui qui nisi eiusmod culpa mollit mollit.

Image of Team Member

Team Member

Job Title

Aliquip velit aliqua proident laboris amet irure Lorem labore enim ex consectetur qui deserunt duis. Dolore irure adipisicing ad aliqua id et in amet et quis aliquip deserunt laborum deserunt nostrud. Sit ipsum incididunt occaecat non commodo laboris fugiat incididunt qui veniam. Ad pariatur tempor elit adipisicing minim minim nostrud magna non. Magna est eu nisi qui fugiat fugiat commodo elit ipsum mollit ullamco. Sint exercitation minim eiusmod pariatur velit aute ex ea ut officia amet ullamco quis incididunt. Elit Lorem non amet ut mollit quis sit id nisi minim velit velit ex consequat.


We employ xx apprentices in the Ridings area. They’re carrying out their Gas Operative apprenticeship and we’re providing them with on the job training with the offer of permanent employment on completion.


We’re investing £300K to replace the underground gas pipes in Panel, Harrogate with more durable, plastic alternatives – the work is part of a £2 million upgrade to the gas infrastructure in the area.


Add copy here for this section and remove this text as it is just placeholder copy.


We’ve been using our paid volunteering days to help out the Panel Residents Association Community Clean Up.  We’re delighted to be able to give a little of our time back to help make a difference and to support an organisation that plays such a key role in the local community.


By replacing ageing metal pipes with modern plastic alternatives we’ll be saving xxx tonnes of CO2 from escaping into the atmosphere, that’s the equivalent of xxx.


We’ve been using clever remote camera and acoustic technology to detect leaks on our pipes underground and help us to fix them faster, helping us to get the job done more quickly.


We’re planting xx trees in and around Panel as part of our commitment to making our region cleaner and greener.


Thank you to Panel Primary School who have welcomed our team so warmly.  We’ve been delivering educational sessions on the gas and carbon monoxide (CO) safety to Year 2 and 3 pupils and talking to Years 5 and 6 about their future careers and exciting opportunities to work in the gas industry.

Additional information

You can find more information about the affected area, by downloading the information below.

Map of affected area
