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New business partnership supports young people to find Solutions for the Planet


The North of England’s gas distributor, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), has partnered with Solutions for the Planet on its Big Ideas programme, helping to promote education for sustainable development, social enterprise and science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) careers for young people.

Schools across the North of England are invited to sign up to the programme that aims to inspire young people to generate solutions to sustainability issues, as well as enhance their personal development. Students and teachers taking part are supported by a team of mentors from NGN and The Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM), Mears Group and Kongsberg Automotive.

Employees from NGN will be championing six schools across Yorkshire and two schools in the North East, providing support to over 1,150 11-14-year-olds across the region. Each participating school will take part in a Big Ideas Day and will develop their ideas into a business plan, which will be entered into a regional competition. Regional competition winners will be taken forward into a National Final alongside schools from across the UK, presenting to a panel of judges at the Palace of Westminster.

Melanie Taylor, Head of Stakeholder Relations at Northern Gas Networks, said: “We are delighted to be partnering with Solutions for the Planet on its Big Ideas programme, teaching young people the vital skills needed to succeed in future employment within the energy sector. Here at NGN, we are extremely passionate about tackling the UK skills gap in STEM and sustainability, and we are committed to helping develop the confidence and creativity of individuals in these areas.

“Employing and developing talent is vital for a strong economy and to ensure that a business is equipped with the skills it needs for the future.  Initiatives such as the Big Ideas Programme help to raise young people’s career and work aspirations through experiencing real-world business challenges and develop their employability skills.  In turn businesses can build a powerful workforce by creating a pipeline of future talent and positioning themselves as an employer of choice in their communities.”

Jen Baughan, CEO at Solutions for the Planet, added: “We are delighted to welcome NGN as a partner in our North England region.  It was clear from our conversations with NGN that the voice of young people is very important in their business, particularly, but not exclusively, with regards to the future energy mix and sustainability.  We look forward to working with the NGN team and are confident that they will both bring a lot of knowledge and take a lot of inspiration and new skills away from their involvement.”

The North England Big Ideas programme is now underway and will conclude with regional finals in May, before the National Final in June.

For more information about Northern Gas Networks please visit northerngasnetworks.co.uk

For more information contact S4TP Comms Lead Sarah Milburn sarah@solutionsfortheplanet.co.uk or call +44 (0)7393 863689

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

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Northern Gas Networks triple triumph at global customer experience awards


The North of England’s gas distributor, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), scooped three awards at this year’s International Customer Experience Awards, in recognition of its world-class standards for customer service and cultural transformation.

NGN beat stiff competition to win Gold for Business Change or Transformation, Silver for Customer-Centric Culture – Transformation and Bronze for the Best Customer Experience Strategy – CX and Beyond categories at a prestigious ceremony held in Amsterdam yesterday evening, attended by global thought leaders in customer experience.

NGN was recognised ahead of entries from organisations based all around the world, for its unrivalled dedication to improving its customer experience by understanding the specific needs of individual customer groups, taking a strategic approach and transforming its culture to put customers at the centre of everything it does.

The awards are the latest in a long list of achievements for the business this year, having been recently recognised in the UK Customer Experience Awards 2019: taking home Gold for Product or Service Development; Silver for Employees at the Heart of Everything, and Bronze for Use of Insight & Feedback – Customer Satisfaction.

Eileen Brown, Customer Experience Director at Northern Gas Networks, said: “We are incredibly proud to be internationally acknowledged for our excellent customer service. Our customers are at the heart of everything we do and our recognition among the world’s top performers is testament to the extraordinary levels of service delivered by our dedicated teams every day.

“The International Customer Experience Awards receives entries from organisations across the globe, so it is brilliant to be recognised as a company that places its priorities in obtaining customer satisfaction both nationally and globally.”

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

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Essential gas mains repair work on Front Street / A690, Langley Moor, Durham


Northern Gas Networks (NGN), the North of England’s gas distributor, is carrying out emergency repairs to a gas main on New Front Street, Durham.

Due to the location of the gas main at the junction of the A690 (outside the Lord Boyne Hotel) this junction will be closed until further notice until the work is complete.

A diversion is now in place and NGN Customer Care Officers are speaking to residents about the work.

Andy Coates, Site manager at Northern Gas Networks, said “The safety of our customers and engineers is our number one priority, and closing the road is essential in ensuring the public and our workforce stay safe at all times.

“We would like to thank customers for their patience at this time and apologise for any inconvenience experienced. We will keep businesses and road users updated throughout the work.”

For further information about the project please contact NGN’s Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766 or email: customercare@northerngas.co.uk.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.



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Essential upgrade to gas distribution network on Mill Hill Lane, Northallerton


The North of England’s gas distributor, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is carrying out essential works to upgrade the gas distribution network in and around Mill Hill Lane in Northallerton, North Yorkshire.

The upgrade, which is worth over £200,000, is part of NGN’s ongoing investment in the gas infrastructure in the area and involves replacing more than 1.6km of existing metal gas pipes with more durable modern versions.  This will ensure the continued, safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for many years to come.

The works have been carefully planned in conjunction with North Yorkshire County Council.

In order to carry out the work safely and efficiently, and due to the location and depth of the gas main, it will be necessary to close Mill Hill Lane at the junction with Thirsk Road from Monday 25 November 2019. Thirsk Road itself will not be closed. NGN expects the closure to be in place for approximately three weeks.

NGN’s Customer Care Officers have been door-knocking local residents to make customers aware of the work, while on-site signage will advise motorists of the work taking place. Regular updates will also be available on NGN’s website northerngasnetworks.co.uk, Twitter @NGNgas and Facebook @northerngasnetworks.

Steve Storey, Site Manager for Northern Gas Networks, said: “We have been working closely with North Yorkshire County Council to carefully plan these works and will be doing all we can to minimise disruption to customers.”

For further information about the project please contact NGN’s Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766 or email: customercare@northerngas.co.uk.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days-a-week.

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Essential upgrade to gas distribution network on Bramham Road, Clifford, near Wetherby


The North of England’s gas distributor, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is investing £400,000 to upgrade the gas distribution network on Bramham Road, Clifford and the surrounding streets.

The project, due to start on Monday 18th November, is part of NGN’s ongoing investment in the gas infrastructure in the area to ensure the continued, safe and reliable supply of gas to customers for years to come.

In order for the work to be carried out safely and efficiently, it will be necessary to install temporary traffic lights on Clifford Road and Bramham Road. These will be in place from Monday 18th November until Friday 20th December and will start at Clifford Road near the junction of Front Street heading up Clifford Road onto Bramham Road, finishing near St Luke’s Church.

Due to the gas main running along both sides of the road, the temporary traffic lights will then head back down Bramham Road finishing on Clifford Road; as works are completed along the opposite side.

On street parking will be heavily restricted around Bramham Primary School. It is expected that journey times will be extended while the temporary traffic signals are in place, so motorists are advised to leave extra time for travel or use alternative routes.

All works have been planned in collaboration with Leeds City Council, and through the council NGN has been able to co-ordinate the timing of the project with Yorkshire Water.

In January, Yorkshire Water will be carrying out their own work on the water pipes in the Clifford area, but by working closely with them, NGN will ensure that these works do not overlap, so that by January, Clifford Road will be ready for use as a diversion route around the Yorkshire Water works, minimising disruption for customers.

Chris Cunniff, Site Manager for Northern Gas Networks, said: “We’d like to apologise for any inconvenience customers may encounter and thank everyone for their continued support as we work to complete this project as safely and quickly as possible.”

Shops and businesses in the area will remain open as usual while the work is underway.

NGN’s Customer Care Officers have been door-knocking local residents and businesses to make customers aware of the work, while on-site signage will advise motorists of the work taking place. Regular updates will also be available on NGN’s website northerngasnetworks.co.uk, Twitter @NGNgas and Facebook @northerngasnetworks.

For further information about the project please contact NGN’s Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766 or email: customercare@northerngas.co.uk.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.


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NGN says farewell to Cannon Park gas holders


Northern Gas Networks, the gas distributor for the North, is investing £750K to safely dismantle and remove its two gas holders at Cannon Park, Middlesbrough.

For around 100 years, gas holders were a vital part of the local gas supply system, responsible for storing manufactured coal gas which was supplied to thousands of people across the region.

In more recent years, they were used to bolster the network’s gas supplies at peak times, during colder weather.

However, advances in technology and the enhanced capability of the modern-day gas network, means that gas holders are no longer in use.

NGN is aiming to safely dismantle 23 of its holders by March 2021, as part of its continued investment in modernising the network.

Gas holder 7 at Cannon Park, Middlesbrough, which is now being safely dismantled by NGN.


The gas holders at Cannon Park haven’t stored gas for over 10 years, so are now being carefully taken down over the next few months by specialist teams, in a project expected to finish in March 2020.

Once the work is complete, the site will then house a new state-of-the-art operational depot for approximately 100 NGN engineers and support staff serving the Tees region.

Holder Seven (nearest the A66) was built in 1937, while Holder Six was built in 1926, and survived a World War Two air assault in May 1942, when a bomb crashed through its roof and out through its side, shortly before exploding.

Both are made of riveted steel construction, with Holder Six built by Furness Shipbuilding Company and Holder Seven by Clayton & Company.

The gas holders have become local landmarks in Middlesbrough over the decades, so NGN is working with local schools and artists to commemorate the giant structures and capture their history for future generations.

Around 100 local Year Five school children will visit the site as part of their STEM subject study, while a local artist and historian has been commissioned to paint the holders in a joint project linked to Oberhausen, the German town twinned with Middlesbrough.

Mark Johnson, Senior Project Manager from NGN’s Capital Projects team said: “The decision has been made to dismantle the two gas holders at Cannon Park as they are no longer in use and costly to maintain. We’ll be working with a specialist contractor to carry out the work in a safe and environmentally responsible way.

“We know how important these structures can be to communities and we are working closely with local residents and stakeholders to give them the opportunity to commemorate these structures as they disappear from the skyline through STEM visits for school children, and the painting being created.”

NGN is committed to taking down its gas holders in an environmentally responsible way, by recycling as many materials as possible.

The project at Cannon Park will also be registered as Considerate Constructors Scheme site, following key principles to ensue minimal impact on the environment, customers and community, observing the highest standards of safety.


You can email your memories of the Cannon Park gas holders to gasholdermemories@northerngas.co.uk or send via our social media channels Facebook/northerngasnetworks and @NGNgas

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency

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Winlaton to host pioneering hydrogen energy pilot HyDeploy


GAS customers in Winlaton, Gateshead, will become the first on a public UK gas network to use blended hydrogen for heating and cooking, as the country’s gas distributors demonstrate ways to cut climate-changing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

Winlaton will be the location for the next stage of HyDeploy, a pioneering energy pilot exploring how by adding 20% zero-carbon hydrogen into the natural gas network, the UK can reduce CO2 emissions caused by heating homes without needing to change customers’ appliances or behaviour.

The first phase of the HyDeploy project is about to get under way at Keele University in Staffordshire, where customers on a private gas network will be using blended hydrogen for everyday heating and cooking.  The technology used in both phases is identical.

When burnt, hydrogen only produces heat and water, making it a realistic solution for tackling decarbonisation as the UK looks towards its Net Zero emissions target of 2050.

From December 2020, 670 homes and businesses in Winlaton will receive gas blended with 20% hydrogen, in a demonstration lasting 10 months.

A major benefit is that the pilot will require no disruption for customers in terms of their gas appliances or the way they use gas at home.

Backed by £22.5 million of OFGEM innovation funding, HyDeploy is a collaborative gas industry project led by gas distributors Northern Gas Networks and Cadent, in partnership with the Health & Safety Executive (HSE),  clean energy project management specialists Progressive Energy, and a consortium of industry experts, who jointly, will lead the safe management of the pilot over the next two years.

HyDeploy is also being supported by Gateshead Council, as part of their commitment to tackling climate change and reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the region.

Councillor John McElroy, Gateshead Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport said: “We all have a duty to act to help prevent further climate breakdown which is already causing serious damage around the world.

“Gateshead Council has committed to being carbon neutral by 2030 and by taking part in innovative pilots such as these we can further help ensure Gateshead is making a positive contribution to reversing the effects of climate change.”

The Winlaton demonstration will provide important evidence to inform how hydrogen could be used more widely in a practical, affordable way, and will be the first time most customers will have experienced using it for energy in their homes.

The hydrogen for the pilot will be produced by an ITM Power electrolyser, powered by renewable sources. This technology uses an electrical current to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

By bringing HyDeploy to Winlaton, it’s another landmark achievement in the engineering heritage of the North East.

Mark Horsley, CEO of Northern Gas Networks said:

“The North East has been a hotbed of innovation and engineering achievements since the 1800s, and we’re very proud to join this roster by bringing HyDeploy to Winlaton.

“As the UK looks towards a low carbon energy future and ways to cut emissions, we know customers are ready to embrace cleaner energy solutions.

“Using hydrogen in the existing gas network through projects like HyDeploy means we’re ensuring communities like Winlaton stay warm in their homes, while making a positive difference to climate change today.”

Ed Syson, Chief Safety & Strategy Officer, Cadent said: “We know that the gas networks have a role to play in the UK’s future energy needs, alongside wind and solar.  We believe that using the existing network to deliver greener gas, is the most cost-effective way of heating our homes in the net zero future.”

The Health & Safety Executive is overseeing all safety aspects of HyDeploy, providing expert, impartial advice to the project.

As part of this phase, gas safety checks are being carried out in homes and buildings inside the pilot area.

Laboratory tests have also been carried out on a range of common household gas appliances as well as extensive research on the effects of hydrogen on the gas network.

Fast facts

  • Heating homes and industry accounts for nearly half of all energy use in the UK and one third of the country’s carbon emissions. More than 80 per cent of homes in the UK are heated by gas.
  • If hydrogen were blended with natural gas across the UK at a similar level to HyDeploy, it could save around six million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year, the equivalent of taking 2.5 million cars off the road.
  • Since the mid 1990s, the UK Gas Appliance Directive requires all appliances to operate on a 23% hydrogen blend before they can be approved for market.
  • Hydrogen was a major component in ‘town gas’, gas created from coal and used widely throughout Britain before the discovery of North Sea gas in the 1960s. Up to 60% of the gas (by volume) being used by consumers during this time was hydrogen.
  • Building on the HyDeploy principles towards wider deployment of hydrogen, Northern Gas Networks is delivering a suite of hydrogen projects called H21, focused on converting the gas network to 100% hydrogen.
  • Cadent is involved in a wider portfolio of projects such as HyNet, which is focused on using hydrogen to power industry and blended hydrogen to heat 2 million homes in North West England – which first depend on the success of the HyDeploy demonstrations, in proving the concept.

More information about HyDeploy is at www.hydeploy.co.uk

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Essential upgrade to gas distribution network on Melton Road, North Ferriby


The North of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is investing £560,000 to upgrade the gas distribution network in North Ferriby, East Yorkshire.

The project is part of NGN’s ongoing investment in North Ferriby’s gas infrastructure, to ensure the continued, safe and reliable supply of gas to the area for years to come, having been planned in close conjunction with East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

Work began in March this year, involving the replacement of more than seven kilometres of existing old metallic gas main, with more durable plastic pipes.

The final phase of the project will begin on Monday 11th November, and last two weeks.  In order for works to be carried out safely and efficiently, it will be necessary to introduce a temporary road closure on Melton Road, between Narrow Lane and Parklands Drive.

NGN’s Customer Care Officers have been door-knocking local residents and businesses to make customers aware of the upcoming works, and a fully signposted diversion route has been set up with access maintained for residents.

David Johnson, Site Manager for Northern Gas Networks, said: “We would like to thank all our customers in North Ferriby for their patience and understanding while we carry out this essential work.

“We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during this time and are doing everything we can to complete the project as safely and quickly as possible.”

For further information about the project please contact NGN’s Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766 or email: customercare@northerngas.co.uk.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

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Energy networks unveil plan to deliver the world’s first net zero emissions gas network

  • Supporting low carbon heating for 23 million homes and businesses and mandating “hydrogen-ready” boilers
  • Realising £13bn a year savings by taking a balanced Pathway across electricity and gas to decarbonisation
  • Unlocking investment in large-scale low carbon trials and delivering a supportive legislative environment

Decarbonising the gas network will be critical for the UK to meet its Net Zero targets, with heating being one of the most challenging issues to face. That is the conclusion of a major new report, the first to outline a viable pathway for decarbonised gas in 2050 since the UK committed to ‘Net Zero’ emissions.

Navigant’s “Pathways to Net Zero“, commissioned by Energy Networks Association and independently reviewed by Imperial College, sets out a detailed plan to deliver a zero carbon gas grid, with clear technical, operational and regulatory actions that need to take place to achieve it.

By following a Pathway as set out in the report where we use more low carbon and renewable gases along with further electrification, the approach could save around £13bn a year compared to a Pathway that relies on electricity alone.

Technology is advancing rapidly and one of the steps that government could quickly and easily take would be to mandate new boiler installations to be “hydrogen-ready” when the appliances come to market in the coming years.

Mandating “hydrogen-ready” boilers is part of a suite of actions that should be taken to advance the implementation of a Net Zero 2050 including:

  • Introducing a comprehensive energy efficiency programme – helping to keep peoples’ homes warm and alleviating fuel poverty
  • Increasing the volume of green gases, like biomethane and hydrogen, in the energy system
  • Providing support for large-scale trials including Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage, hydrogen production and smart hybrid heating systems
  • Changing gas safety, metering and billing regulations to allow hydrogen into the system

Transforming the gas network will ensure that the move to Net Zero is as done as smoothly and efficiently as possible while minimising the impact on our lives, from the way we heat our homes to the way we travel around the country. In future low carbon and renewable gases will:

  • Continue to provide heating and hot water for homes and businesses
  • Be used to provide heat for industry
  • Help manage peaks in power and balance the use of renewables
  • Be used extensively in the transport sector, in particular for international shipping and also for heavy road freight

The UK has made significant progress in decarbonising the energy system and the scale and pace of the challenge is set to increase as the UK tackles the climate emergency. This progress is in part thanks to the strengths of a privatised gas network which has incentivised innovation and investment.

Britain’s unique system of energy network regulation has already helped make the country a world leader of renewable electricity. Now it is doing the same for clean gas. The gas network companies are already playing their part: building on their experience which has already seen nearly 100 green gas production plants connected across the country and developing innovative research which has seen hydrogen emerge as a key policy option for heat decarbonisation.

Now is the time to act: Government, Ofgem and all key stakeholders must come together to make sure that not only are the public at the heart of their thinking but that the policy and regulatory framework supports the further delivery of the private investment needed to deliver a Net Zero  gas system for the country.

David Smith, Chief Executive of Energy Networks Association said:

“We are facing a climate emergency and now is the time for action. Cutting emissions from heating has historically been complicated which is why I am delighted Navigant’s report shows the pathways we need to take to deliver low carbon heating for 23 million homes and businesses and getting us to Net Zero.

“The country should be proud of the innovation and engineering expertise that has led to Britain being a world-leader of renewable energy, including green gasses. It is now for government, the regulator and industry to build on that success and create the right policy and regulatory environment to attract the investment required to deliver the world’s first net zero emissions gas network for the public”.

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Essential upgrade to gas distribution network on Albert Road, Sowerby Bridge


The North of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), will be investing £95,000 to upgrade to the gas distribution network in the Albert Road area of Sowerby Bridge.

The project is part of NGN’s ongoing investment in the gas infrastructure in the area. Engineers from NGN will be replacing ageing metal gas pipes with more durable alternatives; helping to ensure customers can continue to heat their homes and businesses for years to come.

The project, which will begin on the Monday 11 November and last for approximately five weeks, has been carefully planned in conjunction with Calderdale Council to minimise the disruption for residents, the local school and road users.

The works will begin outside Trinity Academy Sowerby Bridge, on Albert Road and continue along the road towards Beech Street.

To ensure the safety of NGN’s teams and members of the public during the project a road closure will be in place from Monday 11 November to Friday 20 December on Albert Road, from the junction of Beech Road to Trinity Academy Sowerby Bridge.

Side roads at junctions with Albert Road will also be closed as the job progresses.  In order to minimise disruption, NGN will stagger road closures on Milton Avenue, Clay Street (on both sides of Albert Road), Princess Street, Villa Street and Victoria Avenue as the work progresses.

Temporary two-way traffic lights will also be in place at the junction of Albert Road and Beech Road from Monday 9 December until the Friday 20 December to ensure the safe flow of traffic.

Access to Albert Road will be maintained for residents and the school via Burnley Road throughout the duration of the project.

It’s expected that journey times will be increased during the project so all motorists and commuters are advised to leave extra time for their journeys, and to use alternative routes where possible.

Chris Nevison, Business Operations Lead for Pennines at Northern Gas Networks, said: “Minimising the impact of road works on our customers, while carrying out our works safely is our top priority.

“We have worked closely with Calderdale Council, residents and Trinity Academy Sowerby Bridge to plan this essential work, which will ensure that we can continue to provide a safe and reliable gas supply to heat homes and businesses in the area for years to come.

“We would like to thank all our customers for their patience whilst we carry out this essential upgrade work and apologise for any inconvenience caused.”

NGN’s Customer Care Team have been door knocking residents to make them aware of the work and will be on site during the project to answer any questions. On-site signage will advise motorists of the work taking place.

Further updates will be provided throughout the project, and will be available on NGN’s website northerngasnetworks.co.uk, Twitter @NGNgas and Facebook @northerngasnetworks.

For further information about the project please contact NGN’s Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766 or email: customercare@northerngas.co.uk.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

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