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Northern Gas Networks and Northern Powergrid urge residents in the North to Be Winter Ready


On average, almost a quarter of people in the North of England aren’t prepared for winter weather according to recent findings.

The figures have been released to coincide with Be Winter Ready – a new initiative run by Northern Gas Networks and Northern Powergrid and the country’s other electricity and gas networks, which aims to help the public be better-prepared for winter.

The survey found that around half of people in Yorkshire don’t keep a torch in their house in case of a power cut, and more than three quarters of people don’t take steps to get their boiler serviced in advance of winter.

Furthermore, almost two-thirds of residents also don’t know who their local gas or electricity network operators are, with only 15 per cent saying they prepare themselves for winter by finding out who to contact if their gas or electricity goes off.

Northern Gas Networks and Northern Powergrid are calling on people across Yorkshire to follow these three simple steps to Be Winter Ready this winter:
• Know your free emergency numbers – In a power cut dial 105 or, for a gas emergency, dial 0800 111 999
• Prepare your home – Keep a torch handy and get your appliances serviced by a Gas Safe registered engineer to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Vulnerable households can get extra support by signing up to the Priority Services Register (insert link to page on our website)
• Keep your eyes open – Keep an eye on the weather forecast and, if you have a power cut or a gas emergency, check on your neighbours

Ian Waddle, Head of Customer Operations, at Northern Gas Networks, said: “The gas network is safe, reliable and resilient but it is always sensible to be prepared for the worst that winter might bring.

“We have an ongoing investment project to ensure the continued, safe and reliable supply of gas to some 6.8 million customers in the North of England for years to come, but severe winter weather can sometimes cause damage and disruption. We’re available 24-hours a day, seven days a week but by following these three simple steps our customers can help to Be Winter Ready.”

Siobhan Barton, Head of Stakeholder Relations at Northern Powergrid, the company responsible for the network that delivers electricity to 3.9 million homes and businesses across the North East, Yorkshire, Humberside and northern Lincolnshire, said: “Many customers don’t realise that, regardless of who they choose to buy their energy from, it’s Northern Powergrid, as their local electricity network operator, they need to call if their lights go out.

“We invest around £1 million every day in managing and improving our network but severe winter weather can sometimes cause a power cut. We want our customers to know that we’re here for them 24/7 and if they take action now by bookmarking our online power cut map, following us on social media, and adding 105 to their mobile phone they can ensure they have the information they need at their fingertips this winter.”

On the rare occasion power is interrupted or a gas emergency happens, the energy networks have engineers working around the clock to restore supplies safely and as quickly as possible, keeping customers regularly updated on the progress.

David Smith, Chief Executive of Energy Networks Association, said: “In recent years the chances of unplanned problems with electricity and gas supply have reduced dramatically. Since 1990, network companies have invested £80bn in improving the reliability of local energy networks in the UK. On average, gas customers will have their gas supply interrupted just once every 40 years.

“However, as the nights get colder and darker, the chances of severe weather increase. That’s why we are calling on people in the North of England to Be Winter Ready and make sure they are prepared in case they have a power cut or gas emergency.”

For more information about the campaign, visit: www.energynetworks.org and search ‘Be Winter Ready’. For winter guidance visit the NGN winter website page at: www.northerngasnetworks.co.uk/network-supply/preparing-for-winter

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

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Northern Gas Networks wins Community Initiative of the Year award at this year’s Utility Week Awards


The North of England’s gas distributor, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), has won the Community Initiative of the Year category at last night’s Utility Week Awards at the Grosvenor Hotel in London.

The Warm Hubs initiative is a pioneering community project, in partnership with Community Action Northumberland, that aims to help residents facing the misery of fuel poverty, isolation and loneliness.

The hubs provide warm, friendly places, staffed by volunteers, where customers living in vulnerable situations, usually in areas that aren’t connected to the gas network, can go to socialise, get warm, have a hot meal and access information, advice and referrals to relevant support.

20 Warm Hubs are now thriving in Northumberland and more than 1,000 residents attend each week during the winter months. The self-sustaining scheme has also attracted around £750,000 in funding from external sources and 200 volunteers have been trained to support.

Tom Bell, Head of Social Strategy, Northern Gas Networks, said: “We are over the moon that the Warm Hubs initiative has been recognised in this way against some tough competition.

“Fuel poverty is a problem throughout our region so we launched our Warm Hubs scheme to reach out to those residents who are living in uncomfortable conditions and struggling to keep warm. It’s an honour to hear that the scheme has been recognised as we have a further four hubs planned for Newcastle City Centre.”

Christine Nicholls, Community Development Officer for Community Action Northumberland, said: “We’re delighted that the scheme has been recognised by Utility Week. Warm Hubs provide friendly, cosy places where local people can go to socialise, stay warm and get a hot meal. They are a simple but effective way of bringing people together who otherwise may become isolated and lonely, and struggling with heating their homes. ”

The Utility Week Awards aim to recognise excellence across the industry and reward organisations that have achieved outstanding performance in the last year.

NGN was also shortlisted for their carbon monoxide poster campaign in partnership with SGN, Wales & West Utilities and Cadent. Although, Wessex Water were crowned winners, the entry received outstanding praise from the judging panel on its quality and outcomes.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

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£15k upgrade to gas network on Queen Street, Withernsea


The north of England’s gas distributor, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is investing more than £15k to upgrade the ageing gas distribution network on Queen Street, Withernsea.

The project, starting on Monday (4 December) is part of NGN’s ongoing development of infrastructure in Withernsea and will involve replacing more than 100m of existing metal gas mains with more durable plastic pipes, to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come.

The project is expected to take approximately two-weeks to complete and has been planned in conjunction with East Riding of Yorkshire Council to ensure all works are completed with as little disruption as possible.

The road will be closed between Seaside Road and Hull Road, and as a result the diversion route will be via Seaside Road, Bannister Street and Young Street (or by this route reversed).

Russ Kaye, Business Operational Leader at Northern Gas Networks, said: “We have been working closely with East Riding of Yorkshire Highways to carefully plan these works in order to minimise any disruption to customers.

“We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during these works, and thank our customers for their patience and support in getting them completed as quickly as possible.”

For further information about the project please contact NGN’s Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766 or email: customercare@northerngas.co.uk.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Ofgem awards £9 million of innovation funding to Northern Gas Networks’ pioneering clean energy project, H21


Northern Gas Networks (NGN), on behalf of all the UK gas distributers, has today been awarded £9million from Ofgem to support its pioneering hydrogen project, H21.

The funding arrives from the regulator’s Network Innovation Competition (NIC) pot, and will provide critical evidence to support the viability of converting the UK gas distribution networks to 100% hydrogen. A further £1.3 million will be contributed by the UK GDNs.

The £10.3 million funding will see NGN build upon the work of the 2016 H21 Leeds City Gate project which established hydrogen conversion is technically possible and economically viable.

Such a move would represent the single biggest contribution towards achieving the challenge of the Climate Change Act – an 80% reduction in 1990 carbon levels by the year 2050.

Hydrogen when burned is zero carbon at the point of use, with only two by-products: heat and water, making it the ultimate clean fuel.

Mark Horsley, CEO of Northern Gas Networks commented: “As a gas industry, we are pleased that the UK Government, and now our regulator Ofgem, recognise the benefits that a conversion of the UK gas distribution networks to 100% hydrogen could bring.

“This decision moves us a step closer to supporting the Government in delivering clean growth and affordable energy for the UK, by unlocking the significant environmental and energy customer benefits such a conversion could create.”

When complete, the H21 NIC project will provide essential evidence to partner the Government’s £25 million ‘Downstream of the meter’ hydrogen programme, announced earlier this year, which examines using hydrogen as a potential heat source in the home.

The H21 NIC project is split into two phases, with the £10.3 million financing the Phase One controlled testing. Funding for the Phase Two field trials, valued at around £5 million, was not awarded by the regulator.

NGN’s H21 Programme Director & Head of Hydrogen Technologies Dan Sadler

Dan Sadler, NGN’s H21 Programme Director and Head of Hydrogen Technologies said: “It’s very positive that we can start to gather the essential evidence to unlock the potential for a world first large scale hydrogen economy through conversion of the UK gas distribution network.

“Such a move would be to the tremendous benefit of the entire UK energy system, re-using a national asset in the form of the UK gas network, and maintaining choice for energy customers of the future.

“This would deliver air quality improvements through rapid decarbonisation of transport alongside electric vehicles, support the UK in reaching its decarbonisation targets, create thousands of jobs and facilitate unlimited system coupling between gas and electricity.

“It would also lead the world in large-scale credible decarbonisation strategies that are transferable across the globe.

“Funding for Phase One is a great start and hopefully in the near future, we will secure the outstanding funding for Phase Two, to ensure there are no delays in the provision of holistic evidence which will allow the UK government to make credible, large-scale decarbonisation policies for UK energy.

“This is a huge step forwards on the road to a long-term sustainable and secure global energy system.”

To learn more about NGN’s pioneering work to develop the energy system of the future, including the H21 programme click here

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

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Northern Gas Networks pauses gas works at Briar Bank, Carlisle to help Christmas shoppers


The North of England’s gas distributor, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is investing more than £350,000 to upgrade the ageing metal gas distribution network in Briar Bank, Carlisle.

The project is part of NGN’s ongoing development of infrastructure in the area and involves replacing more than 4.3km of existing metal gas mains with more durable plastic pipes, to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come.

The project, which began on Thursday 23 November is progressing well with approximately 1.2km of new plastic pipe now in the ground. Work will be suspended from Tuesday 12 December to minimise any traffic delays to Christmas shoppers and will resume in January on the A7 (Kingstown Road).

Matty McBride, Business Operational Leader for Northern Gas Networks, said: “We’re investing in the gas mains in Briar Bank to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come.

“We know that no one likes roadworks and we’re doing all we can to minimise the disruption caused, including temporarily suspending the work during the busy Christmas shopping period.”

For further information about the project please contact NGN’s Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766 or email: customercare@northerngas.co.uk.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

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NGN works with IGEM and DNV GL on new gas sources study to lower carbon emissions and improve efficiency


Northern Gas Networks is working with DNV GL and the Institute of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM) to study how proposed gas quality changes would affect industrial and commercial users.

The gas network plays a vital role in transporting energy to consumers securely and cost-effectively. The industry is facing its greatest challenge since the introduction of natural gas in the 1960s, with new types and sources of gas and the need to reduce carbon emissions by 2050.

Gas quality will play a crucial role in the future of energy in Great Britain as new sources of gas become available.

IGEM is collaborating with all the UK’s gas distributers to investigate the impact of making changes to the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations (GS(M)R). This includes allowing a greater range of gases, including hydrogen, which will increase the Wobbe Index range.

The project team is inviting feedback from industry on how potential change could impact users in the future through a stakeholder questionnaire available to download from the IGEM website at:


Gas quality depends on composition which affects the physical and chemical properties of a gas, including the way it burns in appliances and combustion equipment.

This study will explore the effects of a wider gas Wobbe Index including blended hydrogen mixtures (containing up to 20 mol% hydrogen) by researching the measures in place around the world to ensure safe and efficient combustion of wider specification gas.

The research will also include the effects of rate of change of Wobbe Index as fluctuations and rapid changes may become more frequent as the number and types of gas entering the networks changes.  The industrial and commercial equipment examined will be greater than 1 MW in size and the research will also consider any instrumentation which measures, or may be affected by, gas quality.

The project is collaboratively funded by the UK gas distribution networks under the Network Innovation Allowance (NIA) – an Ofgem innovation funding mechanism.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

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NGN to collaborate with ITM Power on power-to-gas storage deployment study


Northern Gas Networks, the gas distributer for the North of England, has announced its collaboration with ITM Power, the energy storage and clean fuel company, on a study examining the potential deployment of large-scale power-to-gas energy storage.

Funding for the study was secured from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) as part of its Energy Storage Feasibility Study Competition launched in January this year.

Power-to-gas energy storage is a scalable energy storage technology capable of absorbing power from the electricity grid at times when supply exceeds demand and when intermittent renewable generation causes network stability problems. In power-to-gas, electrical power is converted to chemical energy in the form of hydrogen which can be injected and stored in the gas network.

The gas network has the capacity to store energy indefinitely and power-to-gas has the potential to store MW to GW for durations that can extend from hours to many months.

The NGN/ITM feasibility study will focus on deployments capable of operating cost-effectively from 50MWh energy storage capacity upwards within the boundaries of the NGN gas distribution network.

ITM Power presented an electrolyser demonstration at NGN’s InTEGReL launch this September – InTEGReL (Integrated Transport Electricity Gas Research Laboratory is theUK’s first fully integrated energy systems research and demonstration site.

With part of the work taking place at NGN’s InTEGReL whole systems facility near Gateshead, the study will provide detailed technical, economic and site-specific information about large-scale power-to-gas energy storage which will enable a decision on a potential large-scale energy storage demonstration project.

Mark Horsley, CEO of Northern Gas Networks, added: “The whole systems approach and power-to-gas technology are incredibly exciting prospects for the UK’s future energy mix and we’re delighted to be a partner in this pioneering project, part of which will take place at InTEGReL, our whole systems facility near Gateshead.

“As renewable power generation increases, effective storage and transmission of surplus power will become ever more important. Instead of being lost, this surplus power has the potential to be turned into alternative green fuels such as hydrogen, and stored in the gas network for later use in transport, heat or generation.

“This study will provide unique insight into how we answer some of the energy challenges we’re facing, and how by bringing gas and electricity together we can ultimately drive down costs for customers, increase resilience and improve sustainability.”

Graham Cooley, CEO of ITM Power, said: “We are delighted to be working closely with Northern Gas Networks on this study to deploy large scale power-to-gas energy storage on their network.

“The principle of the gas grid being used as a renewable energy store is a compelling idea for the gas industry. Northern Gas Networks are leaders in the use of hydrogen in the UK gas network for energy storage and for renewable heat.”

NGN launched its InTEGReL project this September in collaboration with Northern Powergrid and Newcastle University, exploring a whole systems approach to energy by breaking down traditional barriers between gas, electricity and transport sectors, using their assets to deliver more secure, affordable low carbon energy.

The facility near Gateshead will allow researchers and industry to carry out tests and trials of coupled gas, electricity and heat systems at a meaningful scale for the first time, explore new technology and ultimately deliver security of supply and cost benefits for customers.

For more information on InTEGReL click here

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Leeds West MP Rachel Reeves drops into NGN to learn more about pioneering H21 hydrogen project


MP for Leeds West Rachel Reeves has paid a visit to Northern Gas Networks, to learn more about the gas distributer’s pioneering H21 hydrogen project.

The UK government launched its Clean Growth strategy in October, with hydrogen named as one of three plausible pathways for the country to reach its 2050 Climate Change Act objectives.

Based on a blueprint for the city of Leeds, NGN’s H21 feasibility study was launched in 2016, and showed it is technically possible and economically viable to convert the UK gas network to 100% hydrogen, at a realistic cost and with minimal disruption to customers.

Hydrogen when burned produces only heat and water, making it a zero carbon energy source at the point of use.

As chair of the cross-party Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee, Ms Reeves was keen to explore H21 further by meeting Programme Director Dan Sadler and CEO Mark Horsley at NGN’s Thorpe Park head office.

With transport a key cog in the decarbonisation wheel, the Labour MP was also treated to a demonstration of NGN’s Toyota Mirai hydrogen car.

Leeds West MP Rachel Reeves takes a look at the hydrogen powered Toyota Mirai, with NGN’s H21 Programme Director & Head of Hydrogen Technologies Dan Sadler.

Ms Reeves said: “It’s vital that we invest in new technologies to help create decent, well-paid jobs and grow our economy.

“I’m glad to see businesses in Leeds like Northern Gas Networks at the cutting edge and working towards a low carbon future.

“Its innovative H21 project shows how the private sector can lead the way in helping reach our 2050 emission reduction targets.

“It is crucial the government backs business with an industrial strategy that has a plan to create jobs and foster investment across the country at its heart.”

Currently over 80% of the UK uses gas for heating and cooking, with 30% of the UK’s total carbon emissions generated by heat.

H21 has shown that a UK-wide conversion to 100% hydrogen would reduce heat emissions by 73%.

H21 Programme Director and Head of Hydrogen Technologies, Dan Sadler said: “The H21 project was born in Leeds and based in Leeds, but its scope ultimately involves the entire country.

“Hydrogen can play a key role in helping the UK meet the challenges of the Climate Change Act: reducing 1990 carbon levels by 80% by the year 2050.

“Our future energy system will need a mix of different options to reach that target – gas, electric, renewables – and H21 has shown a UK-wide conversion to hydrogen will reduce heat emissions by a minimum of 73% and also support decarbonisation of transport and localised electrical generation.”

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

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Update, 10am, 7 November: Emergency repairs – North Burns, Chester le Street


The North of England’s gas distributor, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is carrying out emergency repair works to a gas main on North Burns, Chester le Street.

In order to carry out the works safely and efficiently, it has been necessary to close North Burns from Pelton Fell Road to the junction of North Burns and South Burns until 1pm on Tuesday 7 November. A signed diversion is in place.

Andrew Coates, Site Manager at Northern Gas Networks, said: “The safety of members of the public is our first priority and we would like to thank customers for bearing with us while we carry out this essential repair work.

“We’d like to apologise for any inconvenience caused to motorists and members of the public and I can assure you that we are working as quickly and safely as we can to repair the gas main.”

For further information please contact NGN’s Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766 or email: customercare@northerngas.co.uk

Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours per day, seven days a week.

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Essential gas mains work on Cheshire Road, Stockton

UPDATE: Phase 1 (Milford Road) of the project will start on Monday 13 November and is scheduled to take approximately two-weeks.

Details about the project

We’re replacing the existing metal gas pipes in and around Cheshire Road, Stockton with more durable, plastic pipes that will keep you cooking on gas and your home warm for years to come.

We expect the work to start on Monday 13 November and to take 20-weeks, meaning we should be finished by mid-April, 2018. To help keep any inconvenience to a minimum, we have planned our work to be carried out in four phases (detailed below).

We’ll need to dig in the street but we’ll try to keep any inconvenience to a minimum and give you access to your home. Rest assured, we’ll put everything back to normal once we’ve finished. You can find out more about this by reading our reinstatement process leaflet (PDF document).

If you’re planning any exterior building work to your home or changes to your garden or driveway in the next six-months, please complete the form below or call our Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766, so we can do what we can to plan these works around yours.

You can find out more about why we carry out these works by downloading our FAQs (PDF document).

If you have a disability or illness which means you might struggle without your gas supply, even for a few hours, it’s a good idea to get added to your gas supplier’s Priority Service Register.

Project phases

As part of the project, each road has been put into a phase (listed below). Alternatively, please download our phases map (PDF document).

Phase 1 (two-weeks)
  • Millford Road
Phase 2 (eight-weeks)
  • Raleigh Road
  • Clive Crescent
  • Waterford Road
  • Wolfe Road
  • Somerset Road
  • Drake Road
Phase 3 (seven-weeks)
  • Collins Avenue
  • Carmel Gardens
  • Cherry Tree Gardens
  • South Road
  • Berkshire Road (split between phases 3 and 4)
Phase 4 (eight-weeks)
  • Berkshire Road (split between phases 3 and 4)
  • Cheshire Road
  • Cornwall Grove
  • Huntington Green
  • Lincoln Grove
  • Warwick Grove

Send us a message

If you have any comments or questions about the project please send us a message below or call us on 0800 040 7766.

  • For information on how we use your details please read our Personal Data Privacy Notice

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