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Update – £2.5m upgrade to Huddersfield gas distribution network


The North of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is investing £2.5m to upgrade the ageing gas distribution network in and around Leeds Road and St Andrews Road, Huddersfield.


The major project is part of NGN’s ongoing development of infrastructure in Huddersfield and will involve replacing around 3km of existing metal gas mains with more durable plastic pipes, to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come.


The ageing pipes, some of which are nearly 100 years old, have required several emergency repairs in recent years. NGN has prioritised them for replacement this year to minimise any future inconvenience.


The work on Leeds Road began in May and is due for completion in June 2018, having been planned in conjunction with Kirklees Council to ensure the scheme is completed with as little disruption as possible.


Phase One is progressing well, taking place directly outside Arnold Clark Motorstore and down to the junction of Bradley Mills Lane. This phase is expected to last approximately 18 weeks.


During this time the cycle lane on Leeds Road is closed, while the footpath directly outside the Superbowl and along Leeds Road is also closed. Pedestrians should use existing crossings and cross at safe locations to the opposite footpath while this section of works is taking place.


On Monday 30 May, NGN also began a 23-week gas mains replacement scheme on Bradley Mills Road. Works are currently ongoing within the estate on Longfield Avenue and will progress out on to Bradley Mills Road.


For engineers to carry out the work safely and efficiently, it will be necessary to introduce a road closure on Bradley Mills Road at the junction of Stadium Way and Brown Royd Avenue.


This will be in place for around four weeks between Monday 17 July and Friday 11 August.  A  signed diversion route will be clearly displayed for all motorists and include Rawthorpe Lane, Carr Green Lane, Broad Lane, Wakefield Road, and Southgate.


On Monday 5 June, a second NGN team began works on St Andrews Road outside the Ford garage. This phase of works is progressing well.


In order to ensure the safety of engineers and the public, a one-way system was introduced from the junction of Leeds Road to the junction of Gas Works Street which will remain in place for around 20 weeks.


NGN’s Customer Care officers have been door-knocking local businesses and residents to update them on progress and provide details of the traffic management plans.


Engineers will be working from Monday to Saturday between 8am and 4.30pm and NGN will continue to provide updates as the project progresses.


Paul Jagger, Construction Services Area Manager Northern Gas Networks said: “We have been working closely with Kirklees Council to carefully plan these works to coincide with their resurfacing scheme due to take place on Leeds Road next year and minimise any disruption to customers.


“We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during these works, and thank our customers for their patience and support in getting them completed as quickly as possible.”


For further information about the project please contact NGN’s Customer Care team on   0800 040 7766 or email customercare@northerngas.co.uk

Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

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£400,000 upgrade to gas network at Geneva Road, Darlington


The North of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is investing around £400,000 to upgrade the ageing gas mains in Geneva Road, Darlington.

This essential project is part of NGN’s ongoing investment in the gas infrastructure in the area and will involve replacing just under 6km of existing metal gas mains with more durable plastic pipes to ensure the continued, safe and reliable supply of gas to customers for years to come.

The 25-week project started yesterday (Wednesday 21 June 2017) and the work has been carefully planned in conjunction with Darlington Borough Council. Works are progressing well and are due to be completed on Friday 8 December 2017.

In order to carry out works safely and efficiently, a road closure will be placed on Neasham Road at the Railway Bridge from Monday 3 July 2017 for approximately two weeks. Access for residents of Railway Cottages will be maintained at all times.

A signed diversion route via A66 and Yarm Road will be in place for motorists.

It’s expected these works will cause extended journey times, so motorists are advised to allow extra time for travel whilst the road closure is in place. NGN will endeavour to complete these works as soon as possible, and will provide updates on progress throughout the project.

Shops and businesses in the area will remain open as usual.

NGN’s Customer Care Officers have been door knocking local homes and businesses weekly to make customers aware of the work and provide regular updates.

Stuart Armin, Construction Services Area Manager for Northern Gas Networks said: “We have been working closely with the local council to carefully plan these works and will be doing all we can to minimise disruption to customers.

“We’d like to apologise for any inconvenience customers may encounter, and thank them for their support as we work to complete this project as safely and quickly as possible.”

The Geneva Road project will be registered as a Considerate Constructors Scheme site, following key principles to ensure minimal impact on the environment, customers and the community and observing the highest standards of safety.

For further information about the project please contact NGN’s Customer Care team on 0800 040 7766, option 3 or email customercare@northerngas.co.uk.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Northern Gas Networks supports Town Foundation with It’s A Knockout sponsorship


Northern Gas Networks (NGN), the gas distributer for the north of England, threw its weight behind Huddersfield Town AFC’s Town Foundation on Friday, 9 June 2017 by sponsoring the 2017 It’s A Knockout event.

Hosted by television’s Keith Chegwin, six corporate teams from businesses around Yorkshire made their way to Huddersfield Town’s PPG Canalside complex for day of competitive fun involving inflatables, assault courses and a lot of water.


NGN is currently investing £2.5 million to upgrade ageing metal gas mains with new, more durable plastic pipes on Leeds Road in Huddersfield.

The essential works, which will be completed in June 2018, are registered as a Considerate Constructors Scheme project, and as part of the Scheme’s pledges, NGN find ways of supporting the local community in which work is taking place.

The Town Foundation is a charity which aims to improve the quality of life for young people across Huddersfield and West Yorkshire, through days out and projects built around learning and healthy lifestyles.


Customer Care Officer Natalie Beal got in touch with the Town Foundation and arranged sponsorship of the It’s A Knockout event, and for NGN to enter a team of 10, all who live in and around the local area, to take part in the fun.

Natalie said: “At NGN, we fully appreciate the impact our works can have on customers and their communities.

“We work really hard to ensure we give something back where our works are taking place, and by sponsoring the Town Foundation’s It’s A Knockout, we wanted to make a small difference to the lives of people here in Huddersfield.

“It’s was a great day, our team were thoroughly soaked, but we’ve had a lot of fun.”



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£91k upgrade to Ilkley gas distribution network


The North of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is investing £91k to upgrade the ageing gas distribution network in and around St James Road, Ilkley.

The major project is part of NGN’s ongoing development of infrastructure in Ilkley and will involve replacing around 675m of existing metal gas mains with more durable plastic pipes, to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come.

This project began on Monday 19 June and is anticipated to last around eight weeks.  The works, which are expected to finish on 18 August, have been planned in conjunction with Bradford Council to ensure the scheme is completed with as little disruption as possible.

Works will be carried out in phases with Brook Street, Junction of Railway Road, Oakburn Road, Parish Ghyll Road, Grove Park, Grove Road and Eaton Road all being affected.

To complete the work safely and efficiently, some traffic management measures will be necessary.

A closure will be introduced on Railway Road for around two weeks from Monday 26 June.

A road closure will then be placed on Parish Ghyll Road for three weeks from Monday 17 July, with the final closure introduced on Oakburn Road for two weeks from Monday 7 August.

Signed diversion routes will be clearly displayed for all motorists.

NGN’s Customer Care officers have been door-knocking local businesses and residents to update them on progress and provide details of the traffic management plans.

Engineers will be working from Monday to Friday between 8am and 4.30pm and NGN will continue to provide updates as the project progresses.

Ian Cunningham, Construction Services Area Manager Northern Gas Networks said: “We have been working closely with Bradford Council to carefully plan these works to minimise any disruption to customers.

“We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during these works, and thank our customers for their patience and support in getting them completed as quickly as possible.”

For further information about the project please contact NGN’s Customer Care team on   0800 040 7766 or email customercare@northerngas.co.uk

Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

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Happy Father’s Day for NGN dads-to-be as paid paternity leave more than doubles thanks to colleague initiative


Northern Gas Networks (NGN) hopes to ensure a Happy Father’s Day for all its expectant dads with a new paternity policy designed to give fathers more time with their babies.

NGN distributes gas to 2.7 million homes and businesses in the North East, Northern Cumbria and much of Yorkshire, covering cities and town including Leeds, Hull, Carlisle, Bradford, York, Huddersfield, Harrogate, Darlington and Newcastle. It also provides the region’s rapid response service when a smell of gas is reported.

Around 80% of the gas distributer’s workforce is male and almost 50% are aged 40 or under, with an average of 30 colleagues taking paternity leave each year.

Craig Skinner with his father Alan Skinner. Both father and son work for Northern Gas Networks.

The previous policy allowed dads up to two weeks’ leave, one at full pay and the second at statutory pay. However change came about after an internal study carried out by NGN’s Colleague Involvement Group showed the company’s new fathers were, on average, only taking half their allotted amount because of the cost to their pocket.

Around 85% of those that did take the full allowance then went on to take unpaid leave or holiday to extend their time with their baby.

NGN’s new paternity policy will guarantee four weeks’ leave at full pay and two additional weeks of unpaid leave. This flexible time can be taken at any time from two weeks before the birth and up to a year afterwards. In addition, colleagues can take paid time to attend two anti-natal sessions or their partner’s 12 and 20-week scans.

The group’s research showed time fathers spend with their newborns after the birth is invaluable, benefiting both family and career, with extra bonding leading to happier, more fulfilled colleagues returning to work.

And the increased cost to the business of implementing the change, around £70,000 per annum, would be counterbalanced by the benefits of a happier, more satisfied workforce.

The proposed new terms were put to NGN’s Chief Executive Mark Horsley, who agreed to the policy change immediately.

He said: “Helping colleagues balance the needs of their families with their career is extremely important to us because it creates a more fulfilled workforce and has great benefits for the wider business.

“This has to be one of the best UK paternity policies out there and definitely unusual for the utility industry. Ensuring dads have the flexibility to spend more time with their new arrivals without additional financial concerns means the workload can be lifted for mums and dads have extra bonding opportunity with their babies.

“It’s fantastic that this change has been driven by NGN colleagues themselves.”

The four weeks’ at full pay now ranks among some of the most generous paternity policies in the UK: M&S currently offers 10 days at full pay, Nat West two weeks of ordinary paternity leave and mobile phone provider 3 offers up to three weeks on full pay.

New dad Scott Wood was one of the first NGN fathers to benefit from the new paternity policy when he became a parent earlier this year.

He said: “Having four weeks of flexible paternity leave allowed me to spend significantly more time with our new baby at a time when my wife required support.

“Being able to take that amount of time without worrying about a detrimental financial impact to pay meant the time was more enjoyable and the discussion about affordability of additional leave was removed. More importantly, being there during the first few weeks of our child’s life was invaluable and a fantastic opportunity to spend time together as a family.”

To learn more about working at Northern Gas Networks and current job opportunities visit careers.northerngasnetworks.co.uk

Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

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Carleton Primary School pupils get creative at NGN art workshop


The North of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), has presented Carleton Primary School in Pontefract with seven murals following a nine-week project to replace old gas pipes.

The project to replace over a kilometre of ageing metal gas mains with new, more durable plastic pipes, took place on Carleton Park Road, Sides Road, Robson Close and Pease Close in the autumn of 2016.

NGN’s community artist, Mick Hand, worked closely with the school throughout the scheme. And after showing the children a short presentation on the work NGN carries out, Mick delivered a workshop to the children on the importance of staying safe around road works.

Carleton Primary school students and teachers with Community artist Mick Hand (front left) and Customer Care Officer Katherine Lee (front right) stand with the murals the children created.


For this art project, Mick worked with all year groups, with each year sketching and designing their own mural to represent what they like about the school. In total, seven have now been produced and will be displayed outside the school’s main entrance.

Mick said: “’The kids have been involved from the initial sketchbook ideas to painting the finished boards, that will hang near the main entrance. It has been lovely to work closely with the whole school.’’

The Pontefract works were registered as a Considerate Constructor Scheme site, and as part of the Scheme’s pledges, NGN’s Customer Care team visited local schools and charities to explore ways of making a difference to the lives of people living where engineers are working.

Rebecca Rowett, Head Teacher of Carleton Primary School, said: “As a school, we couldn’t have wished for more from our work with Mick. He listened to our vision, worked with the children and helped us produce a striking entrance to school which has more than met, if not exceeded, our expectations.

 Carleton Park Primary School Year 4 pupils and their murals in Pontefract, West Yorks.

“This really has been a community project with every child involved, from the designing process through to the finished project. We can’t wait for our next project to come to fruition under his excellent guidance and commitment!’’

Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

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Barwick-In-Elmet COE Primary School pupils get creative at NGN workshop


The North of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN) recently visited pupils at Barwick-in-Elmet Church of England Primary School to deliver an art workshop helping children to understand the importance of staying safe near roadworks.

NGN is currently carrying out a £600,000 gas mains replacement project in the village, which involves replacing 8km of old metal mains with new plastic pipes.

The work, which began on Monday 17 April and is expected to last around 43 weeks, is currently underway in Richmondfield Mount, Richmondfield Cross and Richmondfield Way, before progressing to Potterton Lane in June.

Thirty Year 5 pupils spent the afternoon with NGN’s community artist Mick Hand, watching a presentation on the work NGN carries out before taking part in an art workshop, creating paintings depicting the gas works in the town.

NGN community artist, Mick Hand, at a recent school art workshop.

The paintings will now be merged into a giant mural which will be given to the school and also reproduced and displayed at NGN’s gas mains replacement sites.

The Barwick-in-Elmet scheme is registered as a Considerate Constructors Scheme site, and as part of the Scheme’s pledges, NGN’s Customer Care team visit local schools and charities to explore ways of making a difference to the lives of people living where engineers are working.

Year 5 teacher at Barwick-in-Elmet Primary School, Peter Freeman said: “The children really enjoyed the session. It was lovely to see them so inspired and motivated by a real-life art project.

“At the end of the lesson it was great to hear them explain what they had gained from the session and what top tips they had learned. I’d like to thank NGN for delivering the workshop session and look forward to seeing the final piece of work.’’

Ensuring communities stay safe and educating around the potential dangers of roadworks sites is a key commitment for NGN, with 318 Play Safe Stay Safe school sessions delivered in 2016-17.

NGN Customer Care Officer Katherine Lee said: ‘’It’s great to be able to work with staff and pupils to raise awareness of the work that we do and ensure everyone stays safe during gas works.

“Our project in Barwick is progressing on schedule, and we’d like to thank all our customers here for bearing with us as we complete this essential work as safely and quickly as possible.’’

Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

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Essential upgrade to gas mains at The Firs, Alston


The north of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is investing over £367,000 to upgrade ageing metal gas mains at The Firs, Alston.

The major project is part of NGN’s ongoing investment in the area’s gas infrastructure and will involve replacing over 2.8km of existing metal gas mains with more durable plastic pipes to ensure the continued, safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in Alston for years to come.

The 17-week project, which is due to start on Wednesday 24 May 2017, has been carefully planned in conjunction with Cumbria County Council.

Due to the location of the gas main and in order to carry out the works safely and efficiently, it will be necessary to introduce a road closure on Raise Bank for around four weeks with effect from Wednesday 24 May. There will also be road closure on Kings Lane, however, access can still be made via the alternative entrance.

It’s expected these works may cause some delays to journey times, so motorists are advised to leave extra time for travel during the closures. NGN will endeavour to complete these works as soon as possible, and will provide updates on progress throughout the project.

Shops and businesses in the area will remain open as usual.

NGN’s Customer Care Officers have been door-knocking local homes and businesses to make customers aware of the project, while on-site signage will advise motorists of the work taking place.

A customer drop-in meeting will be held at the Town Hall, Front Street, Alston, Cumbria, CA9 3RF between 3-5pm on Wednesday 24 May 2017, where customers can drop in to find out more about the works and we can answer any questions or concerns. 

Matty McBride, Customer Operations Area Manager for Northern Gas Networks, said: “We have worked closely with Cumbria County Council to carefully plan these works and will be doing all we can to minimise disruption to customers.

“We will endeavour to complete the project as quickly and safely as possible and will keep customers updated as the work progresses.

“We would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience caused during these works and thank everyone for their patience and support while we carry out this essential upgrade.”

The Firs project will be registered as a Considerate Constructors Scheme site, following key principles to ensure minimal impact on the environment, customers and the community and observing the highest standards of safety.

For further information about the project please contact NGN’s Customer Care team on 0800 040 7766, option 3 or email customercare@northerngas.co.uk.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Update – £2.5m upgrade to Huddersfield gas distribution network


The North of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is investing £2.5m to upgrade the ageing gas distribution network in and around Leeds Road and St Andrews Road, Huddersfield.

The major project is part of NGN’s ongoing development of infrastructure in Huddersfield and will involve replacing around 3km of existing metal gas mains with more durable plastic pipes, to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come.

The ageing pipes, some of which are nearly 100 years old, have required several emergency repairs in recent years. NGN has prioritised them for replacement this year to minimise any future inconvenience.

The work on Leeds Road began earlier this month and is due for completion in June 2018, having been planned in conjunction with Kirklees Council to ensure the scheme is completed with as little disruption as possible.

Phase One is progressing well, taking place directly outside the Superbowl and down to the junction of Bradley Mills Lane. This phase is expected to last approximately 18 weeks.

During this time the cycle lane on Leeds Road is closed, while the footpath directly outside the Superbowl and along Leeds Road is also closed. Pedestrians should use existing crossings and cross at safe locations to the opposite footpath while this section of works is taking place.

From Saturday 27 May, the junction of Canal Street from Leeds Road will be closed and one lane of the outbound carriageway of Leeds Road also closed for around one week.

From Monday 5 June, a second team will begin work on St Andrews Road outside the Ford garage.

In order to ensure the safety of engineers and the public, it will be necessary to introduce a one-way system from the junction of Leeds Road to the junction of Gas Works Street.

This will remain in place for around 20 weeks

NGN’s Customer Care officers have been door-knocking local businesses and residents to update them on progress and provide details of the traffic management plans.

Engineers will be working from Monday to Saturday between 8am and 4.30pm and NGN will continue to provide updates as the project progresses.

Paul Jagger, Construction Services Area Manager Northern Gas Networks said: “We have been working closely with Kirklees Council to carefully plan these works to coincide with their resurfacing scheme due to take place on Leeds Road next year and minimise any disruption to customers.

“We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during these works, and thank our customers for their patience and support in getting them completed as quickly as possible.”

For further information about the project please contact NGN’s Customer Care team on   0800 040 7766 or email customercare@northerngas.co.uk

Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

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£785K upgrade to Garforth gas distribution network


The north of England’s gas distributer, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), is investing £785,000 to upgrade the ageing gas distribution network in and around Fairburn Drive at Garforth, Leeds.

The major project is part of NGN’s ongoing development of infrastructure in Leeds and will involve replacing 9km of existing metal gas mains with more durable plastic pipes, to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come.

The project, which began on Monday 8 May and is scheduled for completion in February 2018 has been planned in conjunction with Leeds City Council to ensure all works are completed with as little disruption as possible.

Works will take place on Fairburn Drive and surrounding areas.

In order to carry out the work safely and efficiently, it will be necessary to introduce traffic management at a later stage of the project, details of which will be provided nearer the time.

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times with engineers working Monday to Saturday between 8am and 5pm.

Russ Oxley, Construction Services Area Manager Northern Gas Networks said: “We have been working closely with Leeds City Council to carefully plan these works in order to minimise any disruption to customers.

“We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during these works, and thank our customers for their patience and support in getting them completed as quickly as possible.”

For further information about the project please contact NGN’s Customer Care team on 0800 040 7766 or email customercare@northerngas.co.uk

Anyone that smells gas or suspects Carbon Monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

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