If you smell gas or are worried about gas safety, call 0800 111 999 at any time of the day or night. Read more

Press Office
0113 322 7950

Out of hours: 0113 322 7978

Stakeholder Relations Team


Smell Gas?
0800 111 999
Day or night
Non-emergency calls
Customer Care Team
0800 040 7766

Giving back to the community

Under the terms of our RIIO contract with Ofgem, we receive financial rewards for good performance in key areas – or penalties for falling short.

We achieved significant rewards in 2018/19 and no penalties.

Our rewards include

£2.1 million

For great customer service. We exceeded all our customer satisfaction targets for 2018/19, and handled complaints speedily and efficiently.

£5.3 million

For beating our pipe leakage targets for the year.
Beating the leaks is important for a smooth, safe service, and also prevents the build-up of harmful greenhouse gases.

£1.8 million

For meeting our customers’ demands for gas, all year round – ensuring a reliable supply with few interruptions.


For our work with stakeholders to deliver shared goals.
This award was made by Ofgem in recognition of our stakeholder engagement activities over the past year.

Zero penalties!

By meeting our exceeding all our key regulatory targets, we incurred no financial penalties in 2018/19.