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Ask Environment

We work hard to reduce our day to day environmental impact whilst exploring innovative ways of transporting alternative clean, sustainable forms of gas, in the future.

Keeping the region cooking on gas is an energy intensive business and we are committed to being open and transparent about our impact including where we are performing well and areas for improvement.

Northern Gas Networks must provide access to environmental information under the Environmental Information Regulations Act 2004 (EIR).

We publish a range of environmental information here on our website in NGN&You and in our documents library where you’ll find lots of reports that you can download for free.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, try searching using the search function in the top right of the page, or contact the Environment team.

Ask Environment

  • For information on how we use your details please read our Personal Data Privacy Notice

What are the Environmental Information Regulations 2004? (EIR)

The EIR provides for disclosure of and access to environmental information held by public authorities and privatised gas distribution businesses and this now applies to NGN.

What are the Environmental Information Regulations 2004? (EIR)

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The EIR provides for disclosure of and access to environmental information held by public authorities and privatised gas distribution businesses and this now applies to NGN.

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What is 'environmental information'?

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In this context ‘environmental information’includes; the state of the environment (eg water, air, soil or land); factors affecting or likely to affect the environment (eg radiation, noise, energy or waste); measures and activities affecting or likely to affect the environment (eg policies, programmes); cost benefit and other economic analyses used within the framework of the measures and activities above; reports on the implementation of environmental legislation and the state of human health and safety as they may be affected by the above.

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Will you charge me for providing information?

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In some cases, there may be a reasonable charge for providing environmental information, however, no charge will be made for the provision of information and publications already made available by NGN; advising on the availability of information; for inspecting public registers; or examining information on NGN premises.

When we receive your request, we will advise whether a fee will apply and the expected cost.

Should you then wish to proceed with the request the information will be provided following receipt of the payment.

A fee may be charged for the following:

  1. Staff time involved in complying with the request e.g. determining whether the information is available, locating the information, compiling and preparing information at a rate of £25 per hour.
  2. Other costs incurred by NGN in terms of printing, photocopying or scanning information:
    Printing and photocopying, 10 pence per sheet (A4 black & white); 50 pence per sheet (A4 colour); 50 pence per sheet (A3 black & white) and £1.00 per sheet (A3 colour).  For alternative formats details will be provided on request
  3. Postage or other delivery charges (where applicable)


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Helpful guidance

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We pride ourselves of providing high standards of service but if you’re not happy we want to know. You can find out more here.

  • Identify the information you want as clearly as you can, if a request is too general, we may ask you to provide more details
  • Send your request in writing and keep a copy for your records
  • Include your name, address and other contact details
  • Be as specific as you can about the information you want

Read and observe the additional guidance on making EIR requests which can be found on the Information Commissioner’s Office website

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